22910258 - Filosofia, formazione e società

The course has the fundamental objective of introducing students to the knowledge of the main philosophical issues typical of modern and contemporary society, with particular attention to the relationship between philosophy, culture and education. Specifically, the course aims to promote students' awareness of the identity and genesis of concepts and constructs that have had and have particular relevance in the educational and business environment and which concern man and his relationship with the world and with society.

The course aims to promote the following specific training objectives in the student:
- know how to distinguish the main philosophical currents, typical of modern and contemporary culture;
- know how to use the language of philosophy appropriately;
- know how to recognize the role of training within society and the importance of philosophy within it;
- know how to produce a critical and reasoned reading of a text, an event or a tendency typical of a culture;
- know how to identify emerging or underlying philosophical doctrines within socio-cultural phenomena;
- knowing how to recognize different levels of relationship between philosophy and self-building;
- knowing how to move in a multidisciplinary context;
- know how to organize a speech using philosophical reading tools of social reality.

Knowledge and understanding.
- knowledge of the main lines of the modern and contemporary philosophical debate and its relations with the other educational sciences;
- ability to distinguish and compare between different lines of cultural development, according to the different philosophical matrices.
- recognition of the relationship between philosophy and training.

Applying knowledge and understanding.
- Knowledge and understanding of the concepts and theories provided by the course;
- ability to recognize the fundamental phases and matrices of contemporary culture;

Making judgments.
- To be able to identify different reading keys of the different cultural phenomena;
- To be able to recognize the fundamental cultural lines that animate contemporary society;
- To be able to identify the basis of self-building and education practices, and cultural influences on them.

Communication skills
- Ability to read and interpret human and social phenomena with greater philosophical competence;
- ability to know how to communicate with congruent philosophical knowledge tools;
- ability to speak publicly about issues related to philosophy and its relationship with society;
- knowing how to create an educational activity by recognizing theoretical assumptions and philosophical contents

Learning skills
- to be able to analyze and critically evaluate - in their fundamental methodological aspects - contemporary cultural trends;
- to be able to reflect and analyze from a philosophical point of view the problems dealing with various social contexts, in particular those related to education and self-building.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


Who am I? Modern and contemporary images of the Self

This course aims to focus on the formation of the modern Self and the way we conceive of ourselves as subjects and as persons. In fact, our society is undoubtedly based on the individual, conceived as a Self. It comes from a complex path, which implies a certain way of experiencing interiority, of conceiving our subjectivity, of positing in a new way the sense of Self in relation to the others.

The program will be divided into two steps:
1) a more properly historical-philosophical part, in which to analyze the development of the notions of Soul, Self, Subject. The two main authors of this itinerary will be St. Augustine and John Locke;
2) an analysis of how we conceive of ourselves today, in the context of the contemporary society, marked by strongly individualistic drives.

Testi Adottati

About the first part, the following texts will be addressed:
Agostino, Le Confessioni, tr. it. M. Bettetini, Einaudi, Torino 2015, books I-X.
J. Locke, Saggio sull'intelligenza umana, libro II, cc. 23-27, tr. it. C. Pellizzi, G. Farina, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2011, pp. 325-403.
About the second part:
C. Taylor, Il disagio della modernità, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2006.

Other complementary materials will be made available during the course.

Modalità Erogazione

The course will be carried out mainly through the frontal lesson. Active student interventions or proposals will be encouraged. Use of the "Formonline" platform for uploading and communicating additional support material. The use of the "Teams" platform for any individual or group activities. In the case of a new proposition of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented. In particular, we will give distance lessons provided through the "Teams" platform.

Modalità Frequenza

Given the complexity of the topics, attendance is highly recommended

Modalità Valutazione

The final evaluation will consist of an oral exam, during which the student will be subjected to several questions (at least three) assessing their ability to recognize the main doctrines of the authors, classify texts and authors within a certain philosophical tradition, and establish the contents present in a text. During the exam, the instructor will assess whether the student is capable of going beyond a mere mnemonic presentation of what has been taught, presenting a text in a personal manner and combining the effectiveness of exposition with the ability to express themselves using the language specific to philosophy. To achieve the final evaluation, a single test covering the entire program will be administered, allowing the student to range across topics, propose connections, offer relevant comparisons between texts, and provide broad critical observations. The evaluation will differentiate between insufficient (1-17) and sufficient evaluations. An insufficient evaluation will be given if the majority of answers are missing or contain significant gaps or errors. Within the sufficient evaluations, a range from 18 to 30 will be proposed. Grades from 28 to 30 represent the optimal evaluation, where the distinction is justified by a lesser effectiveness on non-substantial elements of the response, concerning the elaboration of discourse, the ability to argue, and the rendering of content. In cases where the student demonstrates not only optimal achievement of objectives but also a particular ability in articulating philosophical discourse, a "30/30" grade will be awarded with honors.