22910224-3 - cooperative learning online

With regard to the specific characteristics of the degree course, the frequency of the course will enable students to develop the following skills and competences:

- Learn the general characteristics of digital training, in relation to its history and application of the same;
- Identify the different educational paradigms (with particular reference to instructional and constructional point of view ) that underlie the different types of training in e-learning;
- Recognize the structural obstacles to the dynamics of communication online;
- Focus the size of communicative mediation online understood as support and facilitation of relational activities;
- Develop knowledge and skills in relation to online tutoring
- Understand and apply the practices of peer-tutoring;
- Analyze situations of training in network implemented in the field by detecting strengths and weaknesses;
- Identify the characteristics that define the processes of group management in an online platform;
- Carrying out online group, aimed at research, study, simulation of professional contexts.
- Use the net to search for documentation.
- Learn the ePortfolio general characteristics;
- Know the specific use of ePortfolio;
- Know and use the Mahara platform for the building of ePortfolio
- Design and implement a personal ePortfolio in the perspective of Training and Professional Guidance
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The use of digital technologies in professional practices is now a peculiar feature of our society. ICT assume great importance not only in relation to their instrumental use, but above all in relation to the communicative and relational dimension to which they allow access, opening up a space-time dimension that is absolutely flexible and rich in innovative and sustainable perspectives in the educational sphere.
The workshop is an integral part of the "Network Communication" course and therefore in order to carry out the workshop activities and to sit the relative exam it is necessary to have followed the planned theoretical activities and to have taken the relative exam (see the complete programme of the "Network Communication" course).

Teaching Structure
Presence and distance (blended).
The course includes a base path performed in the presence and an on-line path that develops specific topics and fields of interest and offers theoretical and operational activities for the application of acquired knowledge:
Basic course: 36 hours of lectures in the presence (6 credits).
On-line path: 18 hours of training on-line (3 credits), to be carried out mainly on the e-learning platform of the Faculty - http: \ \ formonline.uniroma3.it.,

Study materials and online activities

Theoretical path (6 credits) carried out as part of the "Network Communication" course

On-line path (3 credits)
Online activities: 18 hours of online training activities (3 CFU), to be carried out mainly on the Faculty's e-learning platform http:\\\formonline.uniroma3.it for online Cooperative Learning activities.


For the achievement of the 3 CFUs related to the workshop activities, NON-attending students must study in depth one of the topics dealt with in the texts indicated in the programme and produce

- a multimedia text of at least 4 pages (Times New Roman 12 font, spacing 1.5) (3 CFU) in which the chosen topic is explored in depth.

It is recommended not to reproduce the topics as they are covered in the examination books. The topics chosen must be relevant to the course, but in-depth study must be carried out on sources other than the texts studied for the examination.

The chosen topic must be communicated to the lecturer and, before starting the work, the lecturer's agreement on the suitability of the topic must be awaited.

Testi Adottati

Theoretical path "Comunicazione di Rete" (6 credits)
The course includes the study of the following texts:
1. Calvani A. ( 2005). Rete, comunità e conoscenza. Erickson. Trento
2. La Rocca C. (2016). Mediazione tutoriale e apprendimento in rete. Monolite. Roma
3. La Rocca C. (2020). ePortfolio. Conoscersi, presentarsi, rappresentarsi. Narrare, condividere, includere. In epoca digitale. Roma: Roma Tre Press. http://romatrepress.uniroma3.it/libro/eportfolio-conoscersi-presentarsi-rappresentarsi-narrare-condividere-includere-in-epoca-digitale/

On-line path (3+3 credits)
The course of study consists of the Unit Study online and Workshop activities available online on the e-learning platform of the Faculty http:\\formonline.uniroma3.it.
1) 3 CREDITS = ePortfolio: construction of a personal Portfolio on the Mahara platform
2) 3 CREDITS = Cooperative learning online: group’s work on the formonline platform as instructed by the teacher

Students who must achieve 6 credits must perform both online activities indicated.
Students who need to earn 3 credits will be able to choose one of the online activities indicated.


Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Theoretical path (6 credits) The course includes the study of the following texts: 1. Calvani A. ( 2005). Rete, comunità e conoscenza. Erickson. Trento 2. La Rocca C. (2016). Mediazione tutoriale e apprendimento in rete. Monolite. Roma 3. La Rocca C. (2020). ePortfolio. Conoscersi, presentarsi, rappresentarsi. Narrare, condividere, includere. In epoca digitale. Roma: Roma Tre Press. http://romatrepress.uniroma3.it/libro/eportfolio-conoscersi-presentarsi-rappresentarsi-narrare-condividere-includere-in-epoca-digitale/ On-line path (3+3 credits) The course of study consists of the Unit Study online and Workshop activities available online on the e-learning platform of the Faculty http:\\formonline.uniroma3.it. 1) 3 CREDITS = ePortfolio: construction of a personal Portfolio on the Mahara platform 2) 3 CREDITS = Cooperative learning online: group’s work on the formonline platform as instructed by the teacher ATTENTION Students who must achieve 6 credits must perform both online activities indicated. Students who need to earn 3 credits will be able to choose one of the online activities indicated. NON-ATTENDING STUDENTS ARE HELD TO AGREE ALTERNATIVE ACTIVITIES FOR THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE 3 or 6 CREDITS RELATING TO THE ONLINE PATH, AS WELL AS INDICATED IN THE TEACHER'S BOARD.

Modalità Erogazione

Teaching Structure Presence and distance (blended). The course includes a base path performed in the presence and an on-line path that develops specific topics and fields of interest and offers theoretical and operational activities for the application of acquired knowledge: Basic course: 36 hours of lectures in the presence (6 credits). On-line path: 36 hours of training on-line (3+3 credits), to be carried out mainly on the e-learning platform of the Faculty - http: \ \ formonline.uniroma3.it., and on Mahara platform. On-line path (3+3 credits) The course of study consists of the Unit Study online and Workshop activities available online on the e-learning platform of the Faculty http:\\formonline.uniroma3.it. 1) 3 CREDITS = ePortfolio: construction of a personal Portfolio on the Mahara platform 2) 3 CREDITS = Cooperative learning online: group’s work on the formonline platform as instructed by the teacher ATTENTION Students who must achieve 6 credits must perform both online activities indicated. Students who need to earn 3 credits will be able to choose one of the online activities indicated.

Modalità Frequenza

Course attendance is optional

Modalità Valutazione

The examinations will take place in presence. For attending students, the exam will assess the degree of application of ePortfolio theories in the construction of their ePortfolio carried out in the specific workshop and, for those taking the 12 cfu exam, the degree of application of online Cooperative Learning theories in relation to the practical activities carried out in the corresponding workshop will be assessed in addition to the previous one. For non-attending students, the degree of application of the theories relating to the topics chosen for in-depth study and the correct execution of the compositions scheduled to replace the in-presence workshops will be assessed. In particular, account will be taken of the multimedia presentation of the topics addressed in the PowerPoint slides and hypermedia text that constitute the activities to be carried out in place of the in-presence workshops, as explained in the course programme.