The objectives of the course Literature and French Language for Education are:
to raise awareness on issues related to educational problems (emotional relationships, intercultural contexts, family structure, expression of interiority) through the study of some important texts of French literature; to promote knowledge of some of the main phonetic and grammatical rules for reading and understanding words and phrases expressed in French. To develop the critical skills applied to the themes studied; the initiative for independent in-depth studies or group work; the elaboration of literary themes for projects related to educational problems.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course will focus on reading Albert Camus' book The First Man, with in-depth studies on topics of interest to the pedagogical sciences (colonial contexts, interculturalism, French-speaking, family relations, the role of schools, the mechanisms and usefulness of storytelling, the teaching of A. Camus, etc.). Some passages of the book will be the subject of a guided reading in French, in order to acquire basic skills for the understanding and translation of short texts in French.

Testi Adottati

Albert Camus, The First Man, Bompiani publisher

The French-language pieces will be provided by the Teacher during the course. For those not attended, they can request them from the Teacher from the beginning of the second semester.
Further reference bibliography will be indicated during the course, added later on the notice board and can be requested from the Teacher in the same way.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Albert Camus, Il primo uomo, Bompiani editore During the course, other materials and bibliographic information will be available, for both frequent and non frequenters, through the dedicated page of the Formonline platform. ù

Modalità Erogazione

Frontal lessons and participation in individual and group in-depth studies in progress of the students. ATTENTION: In the case of an extension of the health emergency by COVID-19 all the provisions that regulate the way in which teaching activities and student evaluation are carried out will be implemented.

Modalità Frequenza

The frequency is recommended and will give the possibility to carry out guided group in-depth studies. Non-attendants will deepen the topics independently; a final essay will be appreciated.

Modalità Valutazione

The examination will be oral, with the addition of a short written test for the evaluation of the basic elements of French translation acquired during the course. For healthy students planned and evaluated activities in progress.