Knowledge and understanding: the principles and methodologies of empirical research in education; the main features of the theoretical model proposed by Montessori; embodiment theories;

Knowledge and understanding skills applied: to the design of teaching innovation; to the definition of empirical research drawings;

Making judgements: choose critically and consciously methods and instruments of intervention in the field of empirical research and didactic design.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


Through the program proposed in this teaching we will reflect together and deepen the following thematic nuclei:
Experimentalism and the Method of Scientific Pedagogy proposed by Montessori; relapses in the didactic field.
The relevance of Montessori's pedagogical proposal.
The importance of sensorial education; the role of the body in learning processes.
The educational relationship: teacher-student, student-student, student-teacher.
The mind-brain-education link: Montessori and neuroscience.
Observation: the method, the tools, its application in educational contexts.

Testi Adottati

- R. Regni-L. Fogassi, Montessori e le neuroscienze. Cervello, mente educazione, Fefè editore, 2019
- Maria Montessori, Il metodo della pedagogia scientifica applicato all’educazione infantile nelle Case dei Bambini. Edizione critica digitale, 2000, published by the 'Atlante Montessori' and available for free online at: http://www.atlantemontessori.org
- L. D'Odorico-R. Cassibba, Osservare per educare, Carocci 2001.
- A. Manfreda, Il quartiere di San Lorenzo e le tracce della Montessori, Armando, 2023.
- Digital resources and handouts provided by the teacher on the institutional platform.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

- R. Regni-L. Fogassi, Montessori e le neuroscienze. Cervello, mente educazione, Fefè editore, 2019 - Maria Montessori, Il metodo della pedagogia scientifica applicato all’educazione infantile nelle Case dei Bambini. Edizione critica digitale, 2000, published by the 'Atlante Montessori' and available for free online at: http://www.atlantemontessori.org - L. D'Odorico-R. Cassibba, Osservare per educare, Carocci 2001. - A. Manfreda, Il quartiere di San Lorenzo e le tracce della Montessori, Armando, 2023. - Digital resources and handouts provided by the teacher on the institutional platform.

Modalità Erogazione

- Frontal lessons - Dialogue lessons - Workshop moments (Flipped classroom mode)

Modalità Frequenza

The course is delivered in person, with interactive lessons and dialogue with the students for in-depth analysis of the themes and the approach to the fundamental exam texts.

Modalità Valutazione

Oral examination. The evaluation will take into consideration the following criteria: - clarity of presentation - understanding of the conceptual structure of the course - ability to apply concepts to concrete educational situations.