1. Knowledge of the fundamental basis of Clinical Psychology and Stress Management in organisational and educational contexts.
2. Understanding and elaboration of mental disorders’ diagnostic criteria and informed application of those notions in order to detect the nosographic classification of the main psychopathologies, starting from descriptions of psychological profiles.
3. Understanding and critical analysis of an integrated explanatory model of etiopathology and of the diathesis-stress paradigm.
4. In-depth analysis of chronic stress and its negative impact on psycho-physical health and on productivity and wellbeing in the workplace.
5. Knowledge of the key-concepts of mindfulness and of the MBSR protocol (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) by Jon Kabat-Zinn.
6. Experiential training in the classroom of the mindful breathing practice and communication/sharing of one’s experience with the classmates.
7. Understanding of the key-concepts of effective time-management. Application of the acquired knowledge in order to overcome procrastination issues.
8. Critical evaluation of one’s solving problems’ strategies in time management and implementation of the acquired knowledge in order to improve one’s skills in problem solving and in pursuing goals.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


Academic Year 2022-2023

Second cycle degree in Pedagogical Sciences LM 85 and Science of Adult Education and Continuing Education LM 57 (SPE-SEAFC)

The course is an introduction to Clinical Psychology and Stress Management in organizations and education. Basics of Clinical Psychology and of the main mental disorders will be illustrated, along with a presentation of stress management strategies. Stress stems from the perceived discrepancy between the environmental demands and the individual resources. It is well known that in the field of organizations chronic stress contributes to the deterioration of physical and mental health, reduces productivity and increases absenteeism in all fields of work.
The notions of “stress” and “stressor” will be analysed, as well as Seyle’s model of general adaptation syndrome. Individuals are not defenceless subjects when confronted with stress and anxiety: what is really meaningful is the way in which events, internal and external threats, and one’s own resources to cope with them, are evaluated.
The main mental disorders will be illustrated, as well as the aetiopathological model diathesis-stress. Finally, the most effective current techniques and strategies of stress management will be presented.

Testi Adottati

1) "Clinical Psychology", by V.M. Durand, D.H. Barlow, S.G. Hofmann. UTET University, 2023. The topics and exam questions relating to the manual (which does not need to be studied in full) have been published on the Formonline platform.

2) "Promuovere il benessere con l'ACT” di Liz Melete.

All additional materials uploaded to Formonline are an integral part of the exam program.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

1) "Psicologia Clinica", di V.M. Durand, D.H. Barlow, S.G. Hofmann. UTET Università, 2023. 2) "Promuovere il benessere con l'ACT” di Liz Melete.

Modalità Erogazione

ANNO ACCADEMICO 2022-2023 Allo scopo di soddisfare le numerose richieste delle studentesse e degli studenti, l'orario delle lezioni è il pomeriggio del lunedì. Le lezioni si svolgeranno quindi in un'unica giornata nell'arco della settimana per facilitare la frequenza a lezione di tutte le studentesse e di tutti gli studenti, anche di coloro che erano costretti a rinunciare alla frequenza per motivi di lavoro. È fortemente raccomandata la partecipazione regolare in presenza alle lezioni, e lo studio svolto man mano che si procede con il corso. La preparazione all'esame deve essere affrontata come ci si approccia normalmente allo studio di una materia scientifica. Giorni di lezione Corso 2022-2023 PSICOLOGIA CLINICA E GESTIONE DELLO STRESS Le lezioni si tengono il lunedì pomeriggio in aula 13 presso il polo di Via Principe Amedeo con orario 15.00-19.00 Lunedì 6 marzo 16.00-19.15 (4 ore accademiche di 45 min. + 15 min. pausa) Lunedì 13 marzo 15.00-18.15 (4 ore accademiche di 45 min. + 15 min. pausa) Lunedì 20 marzo 15.00-18.15 (4 ore accademiche di 45 min. + 15 min. pausa) Lunedì 27 marzo 15.00-18.15 (4 ore accademiche di 45 min. + 15 min. pausa) Lunedì 3 aprile 15.00-18.15 (4 ore accademiche di 45 min. + 15 min. pausa) Lunedì 17 aprile 15.00-18.15 (4 ore accademiche di 45 min. + 15 min. pausa) Lunedì 8 maggio 15.00-18.15 (4 ore accademiche di 45 min. + 15 min. pausa) Lunedì 15 maggio 15.00-18.15 (4 ore accademiche di 45 min. + 15 min. pausa) Lunedì 29 maggio 15.00-18.15 (4 ore accademiche di 45 min. + 15 min. pausa)

Modalità Frequenza

This course is interactive and active participation is required. Your attendance during class sessions is fundamental to your learning in this course and could affect your grade significantly.

Modalità Valutazione

Oral examination: The final examination is an in-depth and detailed interview. The lexicon of Clinical Psychology belongs to science, therefore it is important language's accuracy during the examination. Attending and non-attending students are required to study the same program and textbooks.