An advanced level of acquisition, elaboration and development of knowledge and competences related to the operational aspects of Adult Education, within the framework of the scientific-operative paradigm of lifelong learning, also referred to methods of analysis and recognition of skills.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


This course focuses on:
- theoretical and methodological aspects related to Adult Education in the Lifelong Learning perspective.
- development and implications of the concept of competence.
The monographic part of the course is focused on the study of qualitative research methods, applied specifically to ricognition and validation methods of non formal and informal learning.

Testi Adottati

1. ALEANDRI, G. (2012). Scritture adulte. L’autobiografia come ricerca e costruzione del sé. Roma: Armando editore, pp. 63-144.

2 ALEANDRI, G. (2017). Con-passione. Nuovi orizzonti e prospettive in pedagogia delle relazioni. Roma: Armando editore.

3. BRUNER, J.S. (2012). Il significato dell’educazione. Roma: Armando editore.

4. BRUNER, J.S. (2016). Il processo educativo. Dopo Dewey. Roma: Armando editore

5. Di Rienzo, P. (2012). Educazione informale in età adulta. Temi e ricerche sulla convalida dell'apprendimento pregresso nell'università. Roma: Anicia.

6. Bertoni P., Di Rienzo P., (2019). Rapporto di ricerca. Analisi e innovazione dei processi formativi del terzo settore: competenze strategiche dei quadri e dirigenti. Bologna: Fausto Lupetti.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Bertaux D. (1980). L’approche biografique: sa validité methofologique, ses potentialités. Cahiers Intenationaux de Sociologie, 49, 200-201. Cedefop, European Commission, ICF. (2019). European inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning 2018 update: Synthesis report. http://libserver.cedefop.europa.eu/vetelib/2019/european_inventory_validation_2018_synthesis.pdf Di Rienzo, P. (2021). I CPIA alla prova dell’innovazione. Il riconoscimento dei crediti formativi e la certificazione delle competenze nell’istruzione degli adulti. Roma: Anicia. Di Rienzo, P. (2020). Insegnare in carcere. Le competenze strategiche dei docenti per l’istruzione degli adulti negli istituti penitenziari. Roma: Anicia. Di Rienzo P. (2020). Making Informal Adult Learning Visible. The Recognition of the Third Sector Professionals’ Key Competences. Education Sciences, 10, n. 9, pp. 1-15. Dominicé P. (1990). L’histoire de vie comme processus de formation. Paris: L’Harmattan. Meghnagi, M. and M. Tuccio (2022). The recognition of prior learning: Validating general competences. OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, No. 270. Paris: OECD UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning. (2018). Recognition, validation and accreditation of youth and adult education as a foundation of lifelong learning. Hamburg: UIL. UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (2019). 4th global report on adult learning and education: leave no one behind: participation, equity and inclusion. Hamburg: UIL.

Modalità Erogazione

Didactic activity in presence and e-learning: theoretical lessons, practical activities, group work, project work. In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods for carrying out teaching activities and students' evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will apply: development of educational activities on the platform.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is not compulsory.

Modalità Valutazione

Assessment methods 1. The method of assessment of learning refers to an oral test: the interview. 2. The duration of the interview, which varies in nature, is approximately 15 minutes. 3. Any on-line exam includes only an interview. 4. For the assignment of the final grade, the following criteria will be adopted: The final evaluation will take into account the student's ability to identify the salient aspects of theoretical, historical, epistemological and methodological elements of adult education and learning in the perspective of lifelong learning. During the oral exam, the teacher will evaluate whether the student is able to go beyond what has been taught, dealing with new situations in a creative and original way. The final assessment will be the way in which the student is able to reflect on problematic issues in adult education and to make well-founded judgments and evaluations.