To know the interconnections between Work Organization, Organizational Development and Human Resources Management, with particular attention to Lifelong Learning and CVET and be able to apply this knowledge to different professional contexts.
To acquire open-minded and critical attitudes towards continuing changes in organizational life, enhancing the ability in analyzing scenarios and recognize which factors could modify the role and the professional practices of CVET in enterprises, both in the brief and long term.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


o Historical evolution of organizational studies: theories and development of models
o From the concept of organization as a "machine" to the new explanatory paradigms (culturalist and cognitivist approach)
o The relationship between the individual and the organization: harmonies and antinomies
o People in productive contexts and the dynamics of collaboration and competition. Elements of Human Resources management
o Strategic variables of organizational systems: training, communication, evaluation
o Organizational learning and the development of continuing education systems
o Lifelong learning of adults: theories and practices in business organisations
o The possible freedom of the organized individual

Testi Adottati

1. Dafano F. (2014), Individual and Organization: suggestions and interpretation keys (excluding chapters IV and VI) (2014), Aracne Editrice, Rome;

2. Dafano F. (2022), Man without necessity. The possible freedom of the organized individual, A&S Avio Edizioni Scientifiche, Rome;

3. Dafano F., edited by Cecchini G. (2018), Business Organization Lessons – Teaching support handout (in PDF).

Modalità Erogazione

- Frontal lesson; - Study groups on case studies and organizational projects, with the aim of providing experiences of analysis and experimentation on actual realities, so as to apply the learned theories; - Reading of in-depth articles provided by the teacher during the lessons

Modalità Frequenza

Course attendance is optional but strongly recommended.

Modalità Valutazione

Oral test to evaluate the breadth and depth of knowledge of the discipline as well as the ability to argue and the appropriateness of language.