Knowledge of main categories of analysis and sociological theories about relationship education-society.
Knowledge of main transformation of education and training systems, in italy, in relationship with the current socio-economic transformations. Skills of analyse and describe the relationships between economic, social and cultural transformations (globalization, communication, innovation of technology, path of life, family, work), and mutation of the educational processes and training.
Method knowledge and skills of analyse the organizational contexts and detect training needs, focusing on disadvanteged groups.
Knowledge of learning processes concerning language and civics by migrants according to immigration rules.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


Teaching program
School-Society Relationships: Models and Theories
Socialization, education and training;
Economic development, social stratification, cultural integration;
Theories: human capital, cultural capital, rational choice;
Inequalities, differences, opportunities, social destinies;
Educational and social mobility in Italy;
Training and jobs in post-industrial societies: the case of young people and migrants.
Training and learning: contexts, actors and processes;
Methods and techniques for socio-educational research and for the analysis of training needs

Monographic section:
M1. School-work transitions: study, working and living conditions of young people;
• University education, times, places, processes, subjectivity;
• Employability, work, precariousness, gig economy;
• Socio-educational work (LAB);
M2. Integration paths for migrants between conditionality and merit;
• The role of training;
• Informal learning in life contexts (LAB);

Testi Adottati

Testi di riferimento:
1. Benadusi L., Censi A., Fabretti V., Educazione e socializzazione. Lineamenti di sociologia dell'educazione. FrancoAngeli 2004.
2. Walter Stefano Baroni, Sociologia del lavoro educativo. Carocci. 2021
3. Carbone V. - Russo Spena M., Per giungere e per restare, DeriveApprodi 2018*.
in alternativa: Carbone V. - Russo Spena M., Gargiulo E., I confini dell'inclusione, DeriveApprodi 2018*.

Articoli su riviste scientifiche:

1. Carbone V., Formazione e precarietà̀ nel basso terziario. Laurearsi in Scienze della Formazione e lavorare nei servizi a Roma, pp. 291-310, DOI: 10.12828/90563, in “Scuola Democratica”, 2/2018.
2. Carbone V., Di Sandro M. Lavoro socioeducativo e precarietà ai tempi del COVID-19. Prime note e osservazioni di ricerca pp. 285- 302(2021) (scaricabile gratuitamente su RomatrePress).
2. Carbone V., La riarticolazione securitaria del management migratorio: il contrasto dell’immigrazione e la vicenda Riace, pp.135-156, in “la Rivista delle Politiche Sociali”, 2/2019.

Per i non frequentanti è consigliata la lettura-approfondimento di: Carbone V., Città eterna, precarie vite. Aracne, 2013 (**).

(*) sconti del 40% riservati agli studenti inviando una mail: acquisti@deriveapprodi.org; per informazioni v.carbone@uniroma3.it
(**) (Scaricabile gratuitamente dalla sezione Documenti del sito docente, oppure dal sito https://independent.academia.edu/ecarbone).

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

luciano gallino, dizionario di sociologia, utet paolo jedlowsky, il mondo in questione, carocci elena besozzi, società, cultura, educazione, carocci roberto ciccarelli , capitale disumano, manifestolibri carlo barone, meritocrazia, il mulino

Modalità Erogazione

for the general theoretical section: traditional teaching modules, with the aid of video and documental materials; for the themes of monographic study: - seminars, presentation of researches and volumes, interventions by experts - promotion of laboratory activities (analysis of databases, research work, documentation, ...);

Modalità Valutazione

Evaluation criteria The evaluation of learning outcomes will concern:  the knowledge of the thematic nucleuses indicated by the program (see objectives and program) particular attention will be paid to the evaluation of knowledge:  of the reference sociological paradigms (functionalist, conflictualist, interactive-communicative),  of the theories on the demand for education (human capital, cultural capital, rational choice)  of the social problems related to educational and training processes (inequality, social mobility, employability, precariousness, integration of migrants). Furthermore, the competences will be evaluated carefully:  linguistic and communicative type;  use, formally correct, of the categories of analysis used (eg socialization, social learning, education, education, training ...);  of macro/micro sociological analysis of contexts, actors and educational and training processes;  of critical evaluation of the theoretical approaches that underlie the interpretative models and the explanations, both of the social problems and of the intervention proposals; both the abilities of:  correctly formulate problems and set up surveys and research;  identify solutions to problems in wider and interdisciplinary contexts;  integrate knowledge and make judgments even with incomplete data;  learn and research independently. The final assessment will take into account the student's ability to memorise the main sociological notions and theories that constitute the central themes of the course of study, identify elements characterising the processes of socialisation and exclusion, recognise the main aspects of the various theoretical frameworks of reference and describe the approaches in detail using specialist vocabulary. It will also take into account the degree to which knowledge is applied through the production of independent reflection/research work that demonstrates the ability to integrate theoretical and empirical learning in analysing related phenomena and interpreting and explaining the factors underlying the social processes studied. The oral examination will assess whether the student is able to go beyond what has been taught, addressing, in a critical, original and creative manner, the analysis of social learning and the processes of inclusion in the different spheres of social life. There are no intermediate tests on parts of the syllabus that will constitute elements of the final assessment. In the event that more than 50 people are booked for the profit examination, we reserve the right to use standardised pre-selection tests (multiple-choice questions) for admission to the oral examination. The criteria for measuring learning involve the awarding of a final mark expressed in thirtieths.

scheda docente | materiale didattico

Mutuazione: 22902234 SOCIOLOGIA DEI PROCESSI EDUCATIVI E FORMATIVI 6 CFU in Scienze pedagogiche e scienze dell'educazione degli adulti e della formazione continua LM-85 N0 CARBONE VINCENZO


Teaching program
School-Society Relationships: Models and Theories
Socialization, education and training;
Economic development, social stratification, cultural integration;
Theories: human capital, cultural capital, rational choice;
Inequalities, differences, opportunities, social destinies;
Educational and social mobility in Italy;
Training and jobs in post-industrial societies: the case of young people and migrants.
Training and learning: contexts, actors and processes;
Methods and techniques for socio-educational research and for the analysis of training needs

Monographic section:
M1. School-work transitions: study, working and living conditions of young people;
• University education, times, places, processes, subjectivity;
• Employability, work, precariousness, gig economy;
• Socio-educational work (LAB);
M2. Integration paths for migrants between conditionality and merit;
• The role of training;
• Informal learning in life contexts (LAB);

Testi Adottati

Testi di riferimento:
1. Benadusi L., Censi A., Fabretti V., Educazione e socializzazione. Lineamenti di sociologia dell'educazione. FrancoAngeli 2004.
2. Walter Stefano Baroni, Sociologia del lavoro educativo. Carocci. 2021
3. Carbone V. - Russo Spena M., Per giungere e per restare, DeriveApprodi 2018*.
in alternativa: Carbone V. - Russo Spena M., Gargiulo E., I confini dell'inclusione, DeriveApprodi 2018*.

Articoli su riviste scientifiche:

1. Carbone V., Formazione e precarietà̀ nel basso terziario. Laurearsi in Scienze della Formazione e lavorare nei servizi a Roma, pp. 291-310, DOI: 10.12828/90563, in “Scuola Democratica”, 2/2018.
2. Carbone V., Di Sandro M. Lavoro socioeducativo e precarietà ai tempi del COVID-19. Prime note e osservazioni di ricerca pp. 285- 302(2021) (scaricabile gratuitamente su RomatrePress).
2. Carbone V., La riarticolazione securitaria del management migratorio: il contrasto dell’immigrazione e la vicenda Riace, pp.135-156, in “la Rivista delle Politiche Sociali”, 2/2019.

Per i non frequentanti è consigliata la lettura-approfondimento di: Carbone V., Città eterna, precarie vite. Aracne, 2013 (**).

(*) sconti del 40% riservati agli studenti inviando una mail: acquisti@deriveapprodi.org; per informazioni v.carbone@uniroma3.it
(**) (Scaricabile gratuitamente dalla sezione Documenti del sito docente, oppure dal sito https://independent.academia.edu/ecarbone).

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

luciano gallino, dizionario di sociologia, utet paolo jedlowsky, il mondo in questione, carocci elena besozzi, società, cultura, educazione, carocci roberto ciccarelli , capitale disumano, manifestolibri carlo barone, meritocrazia, il mulino

Modalità Erogazione

for the general theoretical section: traditional teaching modules, with the aid of video and documental materials; for the themes of monographic study: - seminars, presentation of researches and volumes, interventions by experts - promotion of laboratory activities (analysis of databases, research work, documentation, ...);

Modalità Valutazione

Evaluation criteria The evaluation of learning outcomes will concern:  the knowledge of the thematic nucleuses indicated by the program (see objectives and program) particular attention will be paid to the evaluation of knowledge:  of the reference sociological paradigms (functionalist, conflictualist, interactive-communicative),  of the theories on the demand for education (human capital, cultural capital, rational choice)  of the social problems related to educational and training processes (inequality, social mobility, employability, precariousness, integration of migrants). Furthermore, the competences will be evaluated carefully:  linguistic and communicative type;  use, formally correct, of the categories of analysis used (eg socialization, social learning, education, education, training ...);  of macro/micro sociological analysis of contexts, actors and educational and training processes;  of critical evaluation of the theoretical approaches that underlie the interpretative models and the explanations, both of the social problems and of the intervention proposals; both the abilities of:  correctly formulate problems and set up surveys and research;  identify solutions to problems in wider and interdisciplinary contexts;  integrate knowledge and make judgments even with incomplete data;  learn and research independently. The final assessment will take into account the student's ability to memorise the main sociological notions and theories that constitute the central themes of the course of study, identify elements characterising the processes of socialisation and exclusion, recognise the main aspects of the various theoretical frameworks of reference and describe the approaches in detail using specialist vocabulary. It will also take into account the degree to which knowledge is applied through the production of independent reflection/research work that demonstrates the ability to integrate theoretical and empirical learning in analysing related phenomena and interpreting and explaining the factors underlying the social processes studied. The oral examination will assess whether the student is able to go beyond what has been taught, addressing, in a critical, original and creative manner, the analysis of social learning and the processes of inclusion in the different spheres of social life. There are no intermediate tests on parts of the syllabus that will constitute elements of the final assessment. In the event that more than 50 people are booked for the profit examination, we reserve the right to use standardised pre-selection tests (multiple-choice questions) for admission to the oral examination. The criteria for measuring learning involve the awarding of a final mark expressed in thirtieths.