22910287 - History of educational use of media and/or technology.

History of Education and Communication Processes

Educational objectives:
The course aims to introduce the study of the history of education and communication processes as the history of education; to promote awareness of the application of historical-educational knowledge in the educational professions and in different contexts of training; to stimulate autonomy in the consultation of scientific literature; to encourage the development of listening skills, relationship, communication in the context of educational processes; to build, in a historical perspective, reflective skills aimed at critically interpreting the complexity of phenomena and communication processes.
Expected learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding: Understand the epistemological foundations of the discipline and today's communicative context in its complexity and historical-educational perspective.
Applying knowledge and understanding: Acquire and apply knowledge of the history of education and communication processes and specific historiographic methodologies.
Making judgements: To be able to critically and independently rework disciplinary knowledge, identifying the relationships that historically exist between communicative and educational processes, with particular reference to the evolution in the technological and digital fields and the symbolic reality constructed by media.
Communication skills: Acquire disciplinary vocabulary and know how to socialize acquired knowledge in the group dimension.
Learning skills: Knowing how to construct autonomous paths of in-depth study of the specific themes addressed in the course through the interpretive tools proper to the methodology of historical-educational research. Knowing how to consult the sources and the scientific literature of reference.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course aims to introduce the study of the history of communication (in particular, narrative) with a view to grasping, diachronically, the multiple and polymorphous intersections and incidences of this with cultural and educational processes up to the advent and affirmation of multimedia communication in the age of globalisation.
Starting from the contributions of Gianni Rodari and Bruno Munari, the monographic part of the course will explore verbal-visual imaginative phenomena (from counterfactuality to worlds of invention) in order to propose a reflection on the link between narration, educational models and interpretation of reality.

Testi Adottati

J. Gottschall, L'istinto di narrare. Come le storie ci hanno reso umani, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2012.
G. Rodari, Grammatica della fantasia. Introduzione all’arte di inventare storie, Einaudi o Einaudi Ragazzi.
B. Munari, Fantasia, Laterza, Roma-Bari.

Modalità Erogazione

The course aims to offer analytical tools and interpretative perspectives functional to the development of a research work in which personal reflection, discussion, exercises - both individual and group - can contribute to the understanding of the knowledge at stake. Through the reading of scientific papers, some key concepts will be explored; film narration and the reading of illustrated books will also be used as tools of narrative communication. Method of delivery - synchronous frontal lessons in which the main concepts will be explained and deepened; - critical-interpretive readings of scientific and narrative documents; - seminars, debates and exercises. The course will be conducted in blended mode: 50% of the lessons will be held in person, 50% of the lessons will be held online, on the formonline platform.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is optional but recommended.

Modalità Valutazione

Oral exam. The exam will be oral and will consist of a talk on the topics covered by the course as they emerge from an in-depth study of the reference texts. Additional teaching and study content will be available on the Course's moodle platform: these are optional materials that supplement the lectures. Attending students may use them, together with the textbooks, for exam preparation purposes. The oral exam last approximately 20/30 minutes. The final assessment will take into account the student's ability to correctly express and critically elaborate on the themes studied, identifying significant conceptual junctures and problematising the questions posed, making connections between the knowledge acquired, integrating theoretical learning with reflection that can have an effect on training practices. A final mark in thirtieths will be awarded at the end of the final examination. Honours will be awarded in the event of excellence.