The aim of the workshop is to introduce students to the foundations of ethno-anthropological research

At the laboratory conclusion the student has a knowledge of the main methods of ethnographic investigation
scheda docente | materiale didattico


the 3 cfu Ethnography Workshop reconstructs the path, the reflection and a first approximation to the methodology of empirical research in anthropology: the ethnography. Is turned in the classroom, then through seminar meetings and a selection of online materials and articles from scholarly journals. After reconstructing the generative paths of ethnographic practice, with Malinowski and the first generation of scholars, critical perspectives will be considered, particularly reflections on ethnographic description in the 1980s and 1990s and the decolonial approach. Based on these considerations, a path for designing field research will be proposed.

Testi Adottati

The Workshop is structured through the analysis of some classical texts, video and online materials. A handout, along with a dedicated checklist will be indicated by the lecturer at the beginning of the course.

Modalità Valutazione

The mode is oral examination: students will discuss the experiences and materials presented in the workshop. Depending on the numerosity, work developed during the course may be agreed upon.The written consists of a multiple-choice questionnaire: it is optional and may be requested or proposed. All provisions regulating the manner of conducting teaching activities and evaluation of students* with special needs will be incorporated. Interaction in the ethnography laboratory may include specific forms of verification.