Promote in students the knowledge about the empirical-experimental methodologies used in educational research in order to develop basic skills for the recognition and detection of the variables that influence and co-determine educational phenomena. In detail, the following learning objectives are described:
- Knowledge and understanding
Knowledge of empirical research methods in education.
- Ability to apply knowledge and development of critical ability
Understanding, planning and implementing empirical research in education
Learn to evaluate and use the results of empirical studies and evaluate an empirical research plan.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


To promote in Learners knowledge about empirical-experimental methodologies used in educational research in order to develop basic skills in recognizing and detecting variables that influence and co-determine educational phenomena.

During the course we will review the history, theoretical models and methods of inquiry in empirical research in education; procedures for constructing and validating assessment instruments in education.

During the Educational Experimentation Workshop we will look at a particular type of educational research: docimological research, related to evaluation in school settings.

Concept of Docimology
Functions of assessment
Dimensions of assessment
Object of assessment (knowledge, skills, competencies)
Strategies and tools
Formulation of learning objectives and descriptors
Formulation of tests and assessment items
Authentic Assessment and assessment of competencies
Self-evaluation report in the school setting

Testi Adottati

1) Lucisano, P., Salerni, A.. (2021). Metodologia della ricerca in educazione e formazione. Roma: Carocci. (solamente i capitoli 1; 2; 3; (solo i paragrafi 3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4; 3.5; 3.5.1; 3.5.2; 3.5.3; 3.5.4; 3.5.5); 6

2) Nirchi, S., Simeone, D. (2022). La qualità della valutazione educativa. Verifica e valutazione degli apprendimenti.


Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Benvenuto, G., Lastruzzi, E., Salerni, A. (1995). Leggere per capire. Roma: Anicia. Benvenuto, G., Lucisano, P. (1984). Il riassunto come prova di prova di produzione scritta. In " La ricerca", pp. 6-12. Bloom, B.S. et al. (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Handbok I: Cognitive Domain. New York: Longman Green. Bondioli, A., Savio, D. (1994). Osservare il gioco di finzione: una scala di valutazione delle abilità ludico-simboliche infantili. Bergamo: Edizioni Junior. Calonghi, L. (1976). Valutazione. Brescia: La Scuola. Coggi, C., Calonghi, L. (1992). Elementi di statistica per la ricerca scolastica. Teramo: Giunti e Lisciani. De Landsheere, V., De Landsheere, G. (1975) (tr. it 1977). Definire gli obiettivi dell'educazione. Firenze: La Nuova Italia. Dewey, j. (1916) (tr. it 1988). Democrazia e educazione. Firenze: La Nuova Italia. Domenici, G. (1991). Gli strumenti della valutazione. Napoli: Tecnodid. Gattullo, M. (1968). Didattica e docimologia. Misurazione e valutazione nella scuola. Roma: Armando. Nirchi, S., Simeone, D. (2022). La qualità della valutazione educativa. Verifica e valutazione degli apprendimenti. Roma: Anicia. Zammunner, L.V. (1996). Interviste e questionari. Roma: Borla.

Modalità Frequenza

The course is conducted remotely on the moodle platform; with some lab sessions conducted synchronously (Lab attendance is not mandatory)

Modalità Valutazione

The test will be written, with 30 multiple-choice questions, with 4 answer alternatives, only one of which is correct, on the two exam texts