22910088 - Library and information science

The course introduces the general principles of Bibliography and Library Science, analyzes the origins, functions and organization of the contemporary library and deepens the theoretical, methodological, technological, technical-application aspects related to programming, management and use of libraries, with particular regard to digital information and documentation as a didactic and pedagogical resource.
The student will have acquired, in terms of knowledge and understanding, the main elements of the discipline of bibliography and librarianship in the scientific and professional field and, in terms of application, the main techniques of production of tools for bibliographic research, both analogical and digital, as well as the techniques of description and retrieval of documentary information and the procedures for measuring and evaluating the operation of cataloging services, bibliographic information and bibliographic databases.
In terms of autonomy of judgement, the student will have the ability to collect and manage the bibliographic tools in relation to the activities of analysis and interpretation of documents and organization of bibliographic sources.
In terms of communication and learning skills, the student will have obtained the skills and competences necessary to orient himself with confidence in the articulation of library economics, in the models and procedures of library services and to transmit the knowledge acquired both through traditional tools, such as inventories and catalogues drawn up in paper form, and through the dynamics related to new information technologies.