22910025 - Lingua inglese

The aim is to provide a mainly pragmatic introductory approach to English language learning, paying particular attention to the cultural specificity of certain types of text. The main objective is to stimulate reflection on some specialist languages of English, including communication.
With the study of English the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives.
In terms of knowledge and comprehension:
- to know the grammatical, phonetic and syntactic structures of the English language;
- to know the main educational contexts of the English language area.
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- use the English language for comprehension and production of texts;
- use the English language for the main communication exchanges.
In terms of autonomy of judgement:
- be able to evaluate and use independently text materials in English;
- be able to select and manage interpersonal relationships in the field of education.
In terms of communication skills:
- understanding and production of written and oral texts in English;
- English language management of group and collaborative activities.
In terms of learning ability:
- Gain autonomy in self-directed vocabulary and English language content on educational issues;
- Improve the ability to select English language content on the basis of specific educational objectives.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The reading of different types of narrative texts will allow the student to enrich his/her lexical and grammar-syntactical competences through constant exercise (pre-reading and post-reading activities, reading and listening comprehension), stimulating the students’ reflection and discussion on general-interest themes and providing useful topics for class-work both at written and oral level.
In particular, the course will focus on bullying attitudes, through the analysis of some of the first text dealing with the phenomenon in the UK.

* N.B.: All changing concerning the program or the lessons, or any other news will be posted on the teacher’s page on the Department website, and on sdeonline.

Testi Adottati

** Reading texts (mandatory):
- Maria Edgeworth, Harrington, (ed. by Susan Manly) Broadview editions, Canada, 2004 (or online http://www.online-literature.com/maria-edgeworth/harrington/) [traduzione italiana di riferimento a cura di Carla De Petris e Raffaella Leproni, Belforte ediitore, Livorno 2015] chapters 1-7
- Maria Edgeworth, Essay on Irish Bulls (any edition; online https://www.fadedpage.com/showbook.php?pid=20130643) introduction; chap. I. Originality of irish Bulls Examined, IV. Little Dominick; conclusions
- Marco Catarci, Massimiliano Fiorucci (eds.), Intercultural Education in the European Context. Theories, Experiences, Challenges, Ashgate, UK/USA, 2015 introduction and chapter 1
- R. Leproni (ed.), Women on Women. De-gendering perspectives, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2021 (introduction; furteher chapters of interest will be indicated during the course).

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

** Grammar texts (optional): - Michael VINCE, Lelio PALLINI, English Grammar Practice for Italian Students, Macmillan & Heinemann OR . M. Foley, D. Hall, MyGrammarLab (Intermediate B1/B2), Pearson Education Limited, 2012 ** Dictionaries (optional): - Bilingual dictionaries: Hazon Garzanti, New Edition, OR F.Picchi, Grande dizionario Inglese-Italiano/Italiano-Inglese, Hoepli. - Monolingual dictionaries: Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners OR Oxford Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary, OR Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary Further materials (optional) will be implemented on the course on sdeonline

Modalità Erogazione

The constant use of English will be encouraged; students will be fostered to noticing the differences and similarities between L2 and L1 also by providing and analysing different translations of the texts proposed. Pre-reading and post-reading activities, as well as reading and listening comprehension exercises will be proposed.

Modalità Frequenza

The course materials will be implemented on sdeonline; synchronous lessons will be delivered via Teams. In the case of an extension of the COVID-19 emergency measures, all dispositions on the modalities of carrying out of the didactic activities / assessment of the students will be adopted. In particular, the course, available on sdeonline to support self-learning dynamics, will be integrated by live lessons on Teams.

Modalità Valutazione

The course final test is written, administered in ICT format usually at the Piazza Telematica), and lasts approximatedly 45 minutes; it consists in: (1) Reading Comprehension, (2) Language Skill Test to ascertain grammar, syntax and lexical-idiomatic competencies. Students documenting they have achieved B2 level through a CLA course or English placement test, or official certificates approved by he CLA, will be exonerated from part (2) of the test (they still will have to face the Reading Comprehension). Marking is on x/30 basis; the exam is passed when obtaining 18/30 or more in both the course and the lab, as the exam will include the test concerning the Laboratory of English Language (see specific Programme) so granting 9 CFU in total. In the case of a resurgence of the COVID-19 emergency measures, all dispositions on the modalities of carrying out of the didactic activities / assessment of the students will be adopted. In particular, the written test onthe 6CFU programme will be held online, via Teams/Moodle/Respondus (or any other device provided by and regulated by the Athenaeum), and integrated with an oral exam on the lab programme (3 CFU).

scheda docente | materiale didattico


Course main features: - This course is meant to provide a cultural analysis of the texts studied. A first text (Andrea Binelli’s) deals with materials concerning a reflection on English and Englishes and a study of the language itself. The texts provided on the web focus on representative historical and meta linguistic analysis on the development and importance of a language for a consequent cultural and social development of a country. Students will have to deal with these texts in order to read, understand and interpret them from a linguistic, sociological, historical and cultural point of view.
- Lessons will be held in English and in Italian. Activities such as cloze tests, reading / comprehension and listening / comprehension exercises will be part of the course. Authentic materials will be used in order to provide different models of the use of English.
- The books indicated in bibliography provide a fundamental reference for a general revision of English morphological and syntactic structures. The study of a grammar book corresponding to B1 / B2 level is highly recommended.

Testi Adottati


Modalità Frequenza


Modalità Valutazione

- Exam: the exam consists in a reading comprehension structured on the texts available on line and on a short cloze test on the book by Andrea Binelli plus an open question on a general issue discussed in the lessons. This part of the exam is an integration to the exam of English Language 6 cfu held by professor Leproni Raffella (see specific Programme) so granting 9 CFU in total. The two parts are to be taken together.