The objectives are as follows: to acquire and develop knowledge related to the theoretical framework of adult education; to acquire knowledge and basic skills related to intergenerational educational and relational processes; to develop basic skills related to qualitative methodologies in research and design of training interventions; to promote skills related to study literature of past and present in adult education.

By the study of Adult Education the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
- Knowledge and understanding: theoretical framework of adult education;
- Applying knowledge and understanding: Applying knowledge and understanding to solve problems in the fields and contexts of adult education;
- Making judgements: critical reflexing and ability to gather and interpret relevant data to formulate independent judgments about issues concerning adult and intergenerational education;
- Communication skills: to be able to communicate information, reflexions, problems and solutions.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


Pedagogical concepts and theories; Historical background of Adult Education; Classic AE models; AE in modernity and post-modernity; Adult education and Lifelong Education today; Main educational issues affecting adults today; The international organizations for AE; Institutions and places for AE and Lifelong Learning; Autobiographical methods in pedagogical, educational and self-educational fields; From human capital to human development; International education indicators; Intergenerational education; Care activities in Nursery.

Testi Adottati

1. G. ALEANDRI, (2003). I sistemi formativi nella prospettiva dell'economia globale. Per una pedagogia del lifelong learning. Roma: Armando editore.
2. G. ALEANDRI, (2011). Educazione permanente nella prospettiva del lifelong e lifewide learning. Roma: Armando editore.
3. G. ALEANDRI, (2012). Scritture adulte. L’autobiografia come ricerca e costruzione del sé. Roma: Armando editore, pp. 1-62.

A book to be chosen from:
- E. Catarsi, E. Freschi (a cura di), (2013). Le attività di cura nel nido d'infanzia. Bergamo: Editore Junior.
- B. Baschiera, R. Deluigi, E. Luppi, (2014). Educazione intergenerazionale. Prospettive, progetti e metodologie didattico-formative per promuovere la solidarietà fra le generazioni. Milano: Franco Angeli.

Modalità Frequenza

Non obbligatoria

Modalità Valutazione

The final evaluation will take into account the student's ability to recognise, describe and analyse the main concepts, practices and methods related to adult education and to integrate theoretical learning with practical ones.