The teaching of Sociology of Education aims to provide students with the fundamental concepts related to traditional and new socio-identity training paradigms, the prevailing theoretical framework and the interconnections with the other social dimensions and the new informal socializing agents: the group of peers and the new communicative-digital realities. The latter constitute a sort of "intermediate sphere", along the axis of the adaptive process to the environment, intervening with their non-formal action, to give organization and coherence to the patterns of objectification of experience.

Knowledge and understanding
- provide historical, theoretical and methodological knowledge related to the transition from educational models based on the control paradigm, positivist-functionalist, to the current interaction
Applying knowledge and understanding
- develop skills and competences in the analysis of educational models regarding the socio-individual identity configuration, the development of learning and the various forms of transmission: institutional (through specific agencies, from the family to the school); inter-generational (from adults to young people) that especially today is not only vertical, from one generation to the next, but can also be horizontal, from a juvenile lever to the other.
Making judgements
- develop the critical thinking to analyse the evolution and transformation of educational models, especially regarding the passage from the traditional unidirectional, cumulative, normative, teleological model to the current more symmetrical, informative, negotiable and prone to a "form of polycentrism", to a "shared construction" of knowing, thinking and practicing education as a social relationship.
Communication skills
- know how to communicate the acquired knowledge, in terms of ideas, problems, themes and possible solutions, related to the appropriate educational strategies to the contemporary socio-cultural context and to promote the ability to manage the multiplicity of communicative and experiential challenges.
Learning skills
- to develop the learning skills that are necessary for them to undertake further studies, related to many of the sociological, pedagogical and psychological disciplines that deal with the themes of identity building, training processes and educational-communicative relationships, with a high degree of autonomy.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course is divided into two parts: a first general part dedicated to a review of topics pertaining to sociology of education with reference to the construction of social identity in multicultural context and to the processes of primary, secondary and peer socialization; a second monographic part, dedicated to an in-depth study of international migration dynamics and their impact on formal and informal educational processes from a comparative perspective.
Relevant issues in this area are, among others, the second generations of migrants, discrimination in education and work, intercultural competences, the role of transnational networks and migrant diasporas as educational and development agents, intergenerational dialogue and the impact of training / work dynamics on emigration processes. The importance of historical memory and the transmission of knowledge on migration through diversity education facilitate the fight against the problematization of migration and thus allow the initiation of citizenship and naturalization practices appropriate to the new multi-ethnic reality and hybrid identities of transnational migrants. To this end, case studies derived from empirical research on female migration from sub-Saharan Africa to Europe and from the analysis of old and new emigration flows from Italy will be proposed in a comparative perspective.

Lesson themes

Unit 1
Presentation of the course and the theme "Society and education"

Unit 2
Society and education: a theoretical and interpretative framework

Unit 3
Society and education: models of socialization

Unit 4
Identity in the multicultural society

Unit 5
Socialization, inequalities and migration

Unit 6
International migration: a theoretical and empirical framework

Unit 7
Memory and migration: transnational migration networks and diversity education

Unit 8
Interculturality, discrimination and educational processes: the second generations

Unit 9
Female migration from sub-Saharan Africa: gender and participatory paths

Unit 10
“Why are they leaving?”: Italian emigrations

Unit 11
Ethnographic path and course conclusions

Testi Adottati

Bibliographic references (attending and non-attending students)

Various teaching materials will be suggested by the lecturer during classes together with ad hoc readings. Others are available online.

General part:

Besozzi, E. (2017), Società, cultura, educazione. Teorie, contesti e processi, Roma: Carocci.

Monographic part:

Koser, K. (2009), Le migrazioni internazionali, Bologna: Il Mulino (Edizione originale: International Migration: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007)

Another text to be chosen from:

Gehnyei, A. M. (2023), Il corpo nero, Roma: Fandango Libri.

Lapov, Z., Campani, G. (2017), Donne africane oltre le frontiere. Percorsi partecipativi in prospettiva di genere, Firenze: Nerbini.

Pugliese, E. (2018), Quelli che se ne vanno. La nuova emigrazione italiana, Bologna: Il Mulino.

Ruspini, P. (2024), Memoria e migrazioni. Percorsi di ricerca tra Svizzera e Italia in prospettiva transnazionale, Milano: Mimesis.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Recommended reading Bourdieu, P. (2015), Forme di capitale, A cura di Marco Santoro, Roma: Armando. Colombo, M. (2007), (a cura di), E come educazione. Autori e parole chiave della sociologia, Napoli: Liguori. Wihtol de Wenden, C. (2015), Il diritto di migrare, Roma: Ediesse (Edizione originale: Le droit d’émigrer, Paris: CNRS Éditions).

Modalità Frequenza

Free but recommended attendance

Modalità Valutazione

Final written examination with three open questions to be elaborated briefly in a couple of hours on the general and monographic part of the course. The test questions are designed to assess the in-depth study of the proposed teaching materials and the recommended readings, but also participation in the lectures and the presentation of reflections on one's own experiences in the field of education, migration and cultural diversity, including possible participation in the ethnographic course.