The course aims to offer theories, techniques and methods for motor education aimed in particular at the early childhood age group. Knowledge of motor development with reference to the developmental age.

The student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives:
-to acquire basic knowledge about motor activities with particular attention to psycho-physical development and motor learning in developmental age;
-to diversify the educational proposals to be applied to the age group 0-6 to consolidate and strengthen types of educational intervention through movement.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


Part of the programme is dedicated to early childhood and to applications to childhood education contexts.
- The pedagogical value of the body and movement in recreational and motor activities.
- Motor development: the ontogenesis and evolution of the basic motor patterns in evolutionary age.
- Psychomotor education in its various aspects and the relationships between body growth, neuromotor and psychic development.
- The acquisition of motor skills, the description of postural patterns and the development of co-ordinative and conditional abilities in the developmental age.
- Motor activity and autonomy: socio-intellectual, emotional and moral development.
- Teaching strategies, teaching styles and interdisciplinary approaches.
- The first forms of gesture applied to micro and mini-sports.
- Motor learning and executive functions.
- Routes and design of recreational activities at ages 0-6.
- Roles and competences of educators in different educational contexts and services.
- Observation and assessment of motor skills at nursery school.
- Educational setting: space, time, struments and tools.
- Motor education and education: environmental, sensory, road, citizenship and intercultural, health and food.
- Supplement background and symbolic recreational activities in preschool settings.
- Outdoor Learning Education - Outdoor Adventure Education.

Testi Adottati

Coco D. (2023). Pedagogia della corporeità e sviluppo morale. Roma: Anicia. (Green Cover)
Ceciliani A. (2016). Gioco e movimento al nido. Roma: Carocci.

Other publications will be recommended during the course
Only for further information consult the text
Colella D., Ladogana M., Monacis D., (2023). Il gioco nelle attività motorie in età evolutiva. Bari: Progedit.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento


Modalità Erogazione

The THEORY AND METHODS OF MOTOR ACTIVITY IN CHILDHOOD course will take place in face-to-face teaching mode (in the classroom at the Principe Amedeo)

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is not mandatory but recommended given the peculiarities of the subject.

Modalità Valutazione

The exam will be oral/written in telematic mode (at the Piazza Telematica UniRoma3 on the Formonline platform)