The History of Pedagogy Course’s program is focused on the history of children through the examination of theories on education. One the main objectives of this course is understanding the history of sentimental education, as new issue that emerged recently in the field of historical-educational studies. The course’s program included a first part devotes to the history of theories on education and second part- during which movies projection and meeting with will be provide, where specific themes, coherently with objectives formatives.


By the study of the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.

Knowledge and understanding:
-The epistemological and methodological dimension of the subject matter

Applying knowledge and understanding:
-History of childhood and History of the most innovative pedagogical thinking

Making judgements:
-The close relatonship between history of childhood and contemporaney society

Communication skills:
-Cooperative learning in the class-room

Learning skills:
-Ability to perform critical-historical analyses of educational phenomena
-Developing the aptitude to making research in history of education.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course consists of a basic course and a monographic part. The basic course is focused on History of pedagogical ideas from the modern age till the second half of the Twentieth century, with particular consideration to the thought of some of the most important and significant Authors in Western history of thought.
The monographic part, on the other hand, is dedicated to history of childhood in the Western World between the Seventeenth and Twentieth centuries, through the analysis of a variety of historiographic sources, from the discovery of the feeling of childhood and the identification of a new idea of childhood, to the evolution of family relationships in the Western World, as well as the transformation of actual educational practices; the differences that exist between different childhoods, not only in relation to different historical periods, but also in relation to gender and class differences.A novel of your choice will be read from a list of proposals.There is No difference in program between attending and non-attending students.

Testi Adottati

1. Saverio Santamaita, Storia dell'educazione e delle pedagogie, Pearson, MyLab, 2019 (e-book)
2. Francesca Borruso, Infanzie. Percorsi storico-educativi fra immaginario e realtà, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2019

3. Choose 1 book from this list;

a) Elsa Morante, L'isola di Arturo
b) Janet Frame, Un angelo alla mia tavola
c) Ishmael Beah, Memoria di un soldato bambino
d) Italo Calvino, Il barone rampante
e) Gavino Ledda, Padre padrone. L'educazione di un pastore
f) Natalia Ginzburg, Lessico familiare

Modalità Erogazione

The course will be delivered through taught classes, audiovisual material will be adopted: films and documentaries will be used.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is optional.

Modalità Valutazione

An oral, discursive and dialogic test is planned, aimed at verifying the acquisition of knowledge and the ability to use historical-educational interpretative categories to decode the present. There are 4 questions, each in relation to the different exam texts being adopted: 2 questions on the general part, 1 on the monographic part, 1 on the reading of the narrative text. The evaluation will evaluate: 1. the acquisition of notions and the interdisciplinary interweaving of the different knowledge involved in teaching; 2. knowledge of the Italian language and the regionality of scientific discourse 3. critically reasoning on the knowledge