22910167 - Statistics

The course promotes the learning and use of appropriate methods of statistical analysis for the investigation in the educational field. In this context the use of tools, also of the IT type, is developed, suitable both for the collection of information and for their evaluation. The basic concepts of descriptive statistics are presented. The problems of synthesis (graphic and analytical) of the statistical information concerning a single variable or pairs of variables detected in a population are treated, distinguishing the approaches according to the qualitative or quantitative level of measurement.

The Laboratory promotes the learning of IT tools, suitable both for the collection of information and for their evaluation. It is proposed to provide students with the tools for the application of the main statistical methods through the Excel spreadsheet.

Knowledge and understanding
- to define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline;
- to distinguish the various theoretical fields with reference to univariate and bivariate descriptive approaches.

Applying knowledge and understanding
- analyze empirical context by identifying the type of information to be collected;
- formalize the data matrix and analyze it with the appropriate statistical methods.

Making judgements
- linking statistical theory to school situations;
- quantitatively evaluate pedagogical innovations.

Communication skills
- evaluate quantitatively the educational processes;
- report the results achieved.

Learning skills
- exercise availability for scientific research in school settings;
- access the statistical literature in education, identifying reliable sources.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The Statistics course is divided into two parts corresponding to
1) Basic course (6 CFU)
2) Laboratory (3 CFU)
and involves a single exam carried out on the computer.
Basic course (6 CFU)
The course introduces the student to some of the basic concepts of descriptive statistics. The problems of
summary (graphic and analytical) of the statistical information regarding a single character detected in a population,
focusing attention on the properties of the arithmetic mean and the concept of variability. Then we introduce the
problem of studying the relationship between two characters, distinguishing approaches according to the level of measurement
qualitative or quantitative.
Topics covered
Concept of statistical unit and population, character and modality. The level of measurement of a statistical character. There
statistical distribution and its graphical representations (in particular the frequency histogram). Fashion,
cumulative frequencies, median. The arithmetic mean and its properties. The concept of statistical variability and its measures.
The range of variation. The mean square deviation and the variance. Coefficient of variation. Distributions
double stats. The concept of independence. Covariance and Correlation.
Laboratory (3 CFU)
The Statistics Laboratory consists of a series of meetings in which data on which proposals are made are provided
exercises to be carried out also with the guidance of the teacher.

Modalità Frequenza

recommended but not mandatory

Modalità Valutazione

It consists of a single test covering the topics covered in the basic course and the exercises Laboratory. Exam reservations are made exclusively through the Student Portal on the university website. Any trial shifts and related times, established only in the case of number high number of booked, will be communicated 1-2 days in advance via email.