The course promotes the learning and use of appropriate methods of statistical analysis for the investigation in the educational field. In this context the use of tools, also of the IT type, is developed, suitable both for the collection of information and for their evaluation. The basic concepts of descriptive statistics are presented. The problems of synthesis (graphic and analytical) of the statistical information concerning a single variable or pairs of variables detected in a population are treated, distinguishing the approaches according to the qualitative or quantitative level of measurement.
The Laboratory promotes the learning of IT tools, suitable both for the collection of information and for their evaluation. It is proposed to provide students with the tools for the application of the main statistical methods through the Excel spreadsheet.
Knowledge and understanding
- to define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline;
- to distinguish the various theoretical fields with reference to univariate and bivariate descriptive approaches.
Applying knowledge and understanding
- analyze empirical context by identifying the type of information to be collected;
- formalize the data matrix and analyze it with the appropriate statistical methods.
Making judgements
- linking statistical theory to school situations;
- quantitatively evaluate pedagogical innovations.
Communication skills
- evaluate quantitatively the educational processes;
- report the results achieved.
Learning skills
- exercise availability for scientific research in school settings;
- access the statistical literature in education, identifying reliable sources.
The Laboratory promotes the learning of IT tools, suitable both for the collection of information and for their evaluation. It is proposed to provide students with the tools for the application of the main statistical methods through the Excel spreadsheet.
Knowledge and understanding
- to define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline;
- to distinguish the various theoretical fields with reference to univariate and bivariate descriptive approaches.
Applying knowledge and understanding
- analyze empirical context by identifying the type of information to be collected;
- formalize the data matrix and analyze it with the appropriate statistical methods.
Making judgements
- linking statistical theory to school situations;
- quantitatively evaluate pedagogical innovations.
Communication skills
- evaluate quantitatively the educational processes;
- report the results achieved.
Learning skills
- exercise availability for scientific research in school settings;
- access the statistical literature in education, identifying reliable sources.
scheda docente
materiale didattico
Arguments considered are: frequency distributions, graphics, measure of central tendency (mean, mode, median), measure of dispersion (standard deviation, variance, variation coefficient), statistical ratios , bivariate contingency tables, correlation analysis (covariance, correlation coefficient).
Exercises on empirical data regarding statistical frequencies and percentages, tables, graphical representations, means and dispersion indices, variation percentages and index numbers, covariance and correlation.
BOVE G., Slide delle lezioni del Corso base di Statistica, (available on-line).
MARELLA D., Esercizi e domande di riepilogo di Statistica. (available on-line).
CORBETTA P., GASPERONI G., PISATI M., Statistica per la ricerca sociale, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2001.
Chap. 1: ALL Chap 2: ALL (EXCEPT: INDICE DI OMOGENEITÀ, Par. 6.) Chap 3: ALL (EXCEPT: Par. 4; Par 5.) Chap. 4: ALL Chap. 5: ALL (EXCEPT: Par. 2; Par 3; CHI-QUADRATO and V DI CRAMÉR; Subpar. 4.2; Subpar. 4.3 Subpar. 4.4; Par 5)
Marella D., Dispensa Laboratorio Statistica, pdf manuscript available on-line.
BASICS STATISTICS (6 CFU)Arguments considered are: frequency distributions, graphics, measure of central tendency (mean, mode, median), measure of dispersion (standard deviation, variance, variation coefficient), statistical ratios , bivariate contingency tables, correlation analysis (covariance, correlation coefficient).
Exercises on empirical data regarding statistical frequencies and percentages, tables, graphical representations, means and dispersion indices, variation percentages and index numbers, covariance and correlation.
Testi Adottati
BASICS STATISTICS (6 CFU)BOVE G., Slide delle lezioni del Corso base di Statistica, (available on-line).
MARELLA D., Esercizi e domande di riepilogo di Statistica. (available on-line).
CORBETTA P., GASPERONI G., PISATI M., Statistica per la ricerca sociale, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2001.
Chap. 1: ALL Chap 2: ALL (EXCEPT: INDICE DI OMOGENEITÀ, Par. 6.) Chap 3: ALL (EXCEPT: Par. 4; Par 5.) Chap. 4: ALL Chap. 5: ALL (EXCEPT: Par. 2; Par 3; CHI-QUADRATO and V DI CRAMÉR; Subpar. 4.2; Subpar. 4.3 Subpar. 4.4; Par 5)
Marella D., Dispensa Laboratorio Statistica, pdf manuscript available on-line.
Modalità Frequenza
Three hours a week for BASICS STATISTICS. Three hours a week for STATISTICS INTEGRATION.Modalità Valutazione
STATISTICS (9CFU) Single final written examination, lasting 60 minutes, composed of 30 closed form questions, concerning the whole program. BASICS STATISTICS (6 CFU) Single final written examination, lasting 40 minutes, composed of 26 closed form questions, concerning the whole program. STATISTICS INTEGRATION (3 CFU) Single final written examination, lasting 20 minutes, composed of 4 closed form questions (20 min), concerning the whole program.