The aim of the course is to provide knowledge and skills that allow the student to a) be able to orient themselves in the panorama of individual and group processes (dispositions, attitudes, communication) that are at the base of social interaction and b) to know how to use these skills to interpret the social reality of everyday life, in application fields such as health promotion, environmental education and social sustainability.

At the end of the course the student has:
- knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts of social cognition;
- knowledge and understanding of the theoretical and methodological foundations of empirical research in the psychological-social field;
- knowledge and understanding of the concept of social attitude
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding the student knows
- to distinguish naive social psychology from knowledge of social behavior accumulated through empirical research;
- apply the models of social interaction for the interpretation of the main contexts of daily life in which social interaction takes place;
- apply the construct of attitude for the evaluation and interpretation of the preferences expressed by individuals in the course of social interaction.


scheda docente | materiale didattico

Fruizione: 22910142 Psicologia sociale in Scienze dell'educazione per Educatori e Formatori L-19 CARRUS GIUSEPPE


Theories and research methods in social psychology. Knowledge and perception of the social world. Social cognition. Dual models and implicit social cognition. Attitudes, stereotypes, and prejudice. Social relations: small group processes and intergroup relations. Communication, persuasion and social influence. Applied social psychology: health, environment and sustainable development.

Testi Adottati

- Hogg e Vaughan. Psicologia sociale. Pearson Editore
- Passafaro, Carrus, Pirchio. I bambini e l’ecologia: Aspetti psicologici dell’educazione ambientale. Carocci editore

Modalità Erogazione

front lessons + (eventually) exercise on moodle platform

Modalità Frequenza


Modalità Valutazione

Multiple choice test + open-ended questions

scheda docente | materiale didattico

Fruizione: 22910142 Psicologia sociale in Scienze dell'educazione per Educatori e Formatori L-19 CARRUS GIUSEPPE


Theories and research methods in social psychology. Knowledge and perception of the social world. Social cognition. Dual models and implicit social cognition. Attitudes, stereotypes, and prejudice. Social relations: small group processes and intergroup relations. Communication, persuasion and social influence. Applied social psychology: health, environment and sustainable development.

Testi Adottati

- Hogg e Vaughan. Psicologia sociale. Pearson Editore
- Passafaro, Carrus, Pirchio. I bambini e l’ecologia: Aspetti psicologici dell’educazione ambientale. Carocci editore

Modalità Erogazione

front lessons + (eventually) exercise on moodle platform

Modalità Frequenza


Modalità Valutazione

Multiple choice test + open-ended questions