The aim of the course is to introduce the student to the techniques of statistical inference mainly used in the social sciences, giving greater emphasis to the understanding of concepts rather than mathematical formalization.

At the end of the course the student:
- has become familiar with the basic concepts of Statistical Inference
- is able to perform analysis of inferential data and use the main statistical mode
scheda docente | materiale didattico


- Linear regression and correlation. The simple linear regression model. Parameter estimation of the regression model. Correlation coefficient estimation. Test for the regression coefficient and for the correlation coefficient. R-square index.
- Analysis of variance for the regression model.

Testi Adottati

Agresti, A., Finlay B. (2012). Metodi Statistici di Base e Avanzati per le Scienze Sociali, Pearson, Milano. (Capp. 1-9, 12)

Modalità Erogazione

frontal lessons

Modalità Frequenza

Frequency is recommended but not mandatory

Modalità Valutazione

Single final written examination, lasting two hours, composed of 10 questions (closed form) and 4 exercises, concerning the whole program.