22910230 - Policies and services for study and work

With the study of Policies and services for study and work the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives.
In terms of knowledge and understanding:
- define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline;
- understand the dialectical relationship that exists between policies and social services.
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- to analyse the essential features of the labour market and the transformations of labour policies in the different national and European contexts;
- to analyse the organisation of services in the various territorial contexts of reference.
In terms of autonomy of judgement:
- evaluate social interventions and policies for study and work in the current historical moment;
- identify the resources present on the territory to manage with awareness the transformations in the organization of services.
In terms of communication skills:
- Interact in different contexts;
- planning in groups.
In terms of learning capacity:
- exercise willingness to engage in scientific research;
- be able to access the relevant scientific literature.

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