The objectives of the course are: to have in-depth knowledge of theoretical and methodological foundations of experimental research in adult education, with particular reference to evaluative research; to identify the drawbacks of mainstream assessment tests; to know the main national and international surveys on adult competences; to identify suitable tools for the collection of data through comparison with the main international surveys dedicated to the adult population; to analyse and interpret data concerning adult competences.
- Knowledge and understanding: be able to know the most relevant international comparative surveys on adult skills assessment; be able to identify theoretical and methodological foundations of international comparative surveys on adult learning.

- Applying knowledge and understanding: the preparation and administration of the questions (types of stimulus and response, administering paper and pencil and computer based, review mode, encoding open-ends); understanding the results of the major international comparative surveys on adult skills assessment.

- Making judgements: be able to analyze the relationship between functional literacy and ICT at the national level; be able to conduct a critical analysis of the impact of technology on literacy and how informal and non-formal learning in adulthood.

- Communication skills: be able to explain the results of research to specialists and non-specialists.
- Learning skills: be able to identify the diachronic perspectives in the analysis of the data available on a worldwide scale in relation to the skills of the adult population; be able to identify similarities or differences between international surveys with a high degree of autonomy.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course is divided into two parts. In the first part we will analyse: the contents and basic competences of Docimology; evaluation as an essential component of the didactic relationship and of the educational project; analysis and application of the different models and techniques for evaluating the process and the product of education (in terms of methods, tools, criteria). In the second part of the course we will analyse: performance measurement, interpretation of results; some models on adult learning; some international comparative surveys on adult literacy (OECD PIAAC).
Detailed programme of the Course: - Birth and development of docimology; - Evaluation, educational action and cultural proposal; - Didactic choices and functions of evaluation; - Evaluation as a strategic dimension of the educational process; - Measurement: Docimological aspects; - Evaluation scales; - Criteria test and normative test; - Assessing reading and writing comprehension; - Analysis of the objectives and questions of the structured test; - Evaluation of the semi-structured test; - Collection, analysis and interpretation of data - Communication of the evaluation; - Definition and aims of Lifelong Learning in the knowledge society; - Social contexts on adult learning; - Main theories and models on adult learning (andragogy, self-directed learning, transformative learning, experience and learning); - International comparative surveys on adult literacy (OECD PIAAC).

Testi Adottati

1. NIRCHI, S., SIMEONE, D. (2022), La qualità della valutazione educativa. Verifica e valutazione degli apprendimenti. Nuova edizione ampliata e aggiornata, Roma: Anicia;

2. KNOWLES, M.S., HOLTON E.F. III, SWANSON, R.A. (2016). Quando l’adulto impara. Andragogia e sviluppo della persona. Milano: FrancoAngeli.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Benvenuto, G., Lastruzzi, E., Salerni, A. (1995). Leggere per capire. Roma: Anicia. Benvenuto, G., Lucisano, P. (1984). Il riassunto come prova di prova di produzione scritta. In " La ricerca", pp. 6-12. Bloom, B.S. et al. (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Handbok I: Cognitive Domain. New York: Longman Green. Bondioli, A., Savio, D. (1994). Osservare il gioco di finzione: una scala di valutazione delle abilità ludico-simboliche infantili. Bergamo: Edizioni Junior. Calonghi, L. (1976). Valutazione. Brescia: La Scuola. Coggi, C., Calonghi, L. (1992). Elementi di statistica per la ricerca scolastica. Teramo: Giunti e Lisciani. De Landsheere, V., De Landsheere, G. (1975) (tr. it 1977). Definire gli obiettivi dell'educazione. Firenze: La Nuova Italia. Dewey, j. (1916) (tr. it 1988). Democrazia e educazione. Firenze: La Nuova Italia. Domenici, G. (1991). Gli strumenti della valutazione. Napoli: Tecnodid. Gattullo, M. (1968). Didattica e docimologia. Misurazione e valutazione nella scuola. Roma: Armando. Nirchi, S., Simeone, D. (2022). La qualità della valutazione educativa. Verifica e valutazione degli apprendimenti. Roma: Anicia. Zammunner, L.V. (1996). Interviste e questionari. Roma: Borla.

Modalità Erogazione

The course is based on face-to-face lessons aimed at transmitting the knowledge indicated in the learning objectives, with useful exercises for formative assessment. The evaluation of the exercises will allow students to monitor their study and receive detailed feedback on their work, but will not affect the final examination.

Modalità Frequenza

class attendance is in-person; however, streaming of classes is granted for proven reasons only

Modalità Valutazione

The examination will be oral.