22910145 - Intercultural Didactics

To acquire cognitive, critical and creative skills.
To define the intercultural didactics like a form of educational mediation between the learners’ socio-cultural conditions and the global dimension of the knowledge, economics, politics, society, culture.
To identify, consequently, methods, tools and contents of an international perspective on the education.
Knowledge and understanding:
to define the theoretical and practical field of the subject.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
to plan curricular and extra-curricular courses of intercultural didactics .
Making judgements:
to “de-colonize the mind” (Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o).
Communication skills:
to improve the written and oral proficiency of the Italian language also through the reading and
the appreciation literary texts.
Learning skills:
learning to learn.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


9 Credits 54 hours

Prof. Donatello Santarone

Title and Course Content

Literature and Interculture

"Our philological homeland is the earth; It can no longer be the nation. The language and culture of his own nation, which the philologist inherits, are certainly still his most precious and indispensable heritage; but only in distinction, in overcoming, does it gain effectiveness. We must return, in different circumstances, to what medieval culture already possessed before the formation of nations: to the recognition that thought has no nationality."
This reflection of the critic and philologist Eric Auerbach of 1952, so current in its modernity and in its intercultural cosmopolitanism, is the basis of the course of Intercultural Didactics dedicated to the relationship between literature and interculture.
The course offers an intercultural teaching of literature starting from texts by Dante, Tasso, Fortini, Zanzotto, Emecheta and Saro-Wiwa.
Part of the program is dedicated to practical applications in a learning environment for early childhood.

Testi Adottati

Exam Texts:

1)Donatello Santarone, Il caviale e i fichi. Scritti di letteratura, Bordeaux, Roma 2023.

2)Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia. Inferno, canti IV e XXVIII e Paradiso canto X.
Per lo studio dei canti vanno utilizzati e confrontati i seguenti cinque commenti (si prega di attenersi unicamente a questo elenco):
Natalino Sapegno (La Nuova Italia)
Umberto Bosco e Giovanni Reggio (Le Monnier Scuola – Mondadori Education)
Emilio Pasquini e Antonio Quaglio (Garzanti)
Anna Maria Chiavacci Leonardi (Mondadori o Zanichelli)
Giorgio Inglese (Carocci).

3)Torquato Tasso, Gerusalemme Liberata, canti IV e XV.
Per lo studio dei canti vanno utilizzati e confrontati i seguenti tre commenti (si prega di attenersi
unicamente a questo elenco):
Lanfranco Caretti (Einaudi)
Franco Tomasi (Rizzoli)
Claudio Gigante e Tancredi Artico (Mondadori).

4)Franco Fortini, Tutte le poesie, a cura di Luca Lenzini, Mondadori, Milano 2021.
Vanno approfondite, in particolare, le seguenti poesie: Giardino d’Estate, Pechino; Dalla Cina; Lo straniero benevolo; Editto contro i cantastorie; Dopo una strage (da Lu Hsun); Il presente.

5)Andrea Zanzotto, Tutte le poesie, a cura di Stefano Dal Bianco, Mondadori, Milano 2011.
Vanno approfondite, in particolare, le seguenti poesie: Ecloga IX. Scolastica; Misteri della Pedagogia; La maestra Morchet vive; La maestra Morchet vive?

6)Buchi Emecheta, Cittadina di seconda classe, Giunti, Firenze 2007.

7)Ken Saro-Wiwa, Sozaboy, Dalai Editore, Milano 2010.

8)Cesare Cases, Contro i logotecnocrati, caricato su Formonline.

Modalità Erogazione

Method of teaching: seminar. Brief historical-critical introduction of the teacher, reading and analysis of the text, presentations by students, and discussion. Presentations from external experts and viewing films and documentaries. Production of short reports, educational courses, critical summaries, powerpoint, or other educational material by students.

Modalità Valutazione

Method of the examination: oral exam. Students will be asked to read, analyze and comment on the texts in the program. Please note: it is forbidden to make photocopies of text books; on the day of the exam the students must therefore bring their textbooks (and any library loans).