22910091 - Cultural and social Anthropology

The teaching proposes a recognition of the themes of cultural and social anthropology: from the overcoming of the“race” and of every form of exclusion and discrimination; to the concept of culture through the relativism/ethnocentrism debate; in the complexity of ethnic identity, with the analysis of the historic process of diversity to the sociocultural realities of globalization, as migration, gender and body, together with new parental and family realities.
- Knowledge and understanding:
will become familiar with the basic concepts of social cultural anthropology, knowing the different interpretative theories of socio-cultural phenomena related to diversity.
- Applying knowledge and understanding:
it will be able to orient itself critically between the different representations of cultural plurality, reconstructing its historical-anthropological paths and analyzing its contradictions.
- Applying knowledge and understanding:
it will be able to orient itself critically between the different representations of cultural plurality, reconstructing its historical-anthropological paths and analyzing its contradictions.
- Communication skills:
on diversity it will be able to distinguish the plan of rhetoric from that of empirical research

scheda docente | materiale didattico


Through anthropological languages, theories, and methods, the students will be provided d basic knowledge and analytical tools useful for building a critical social gaze on contemporary processes, especially related to social discrimination, construction of inequalities, and unequal distribution of social resources. The course offers anthropology's interpretative keys and methodological tools for analysing intertwined forms of oppression (intersectionality) referring to human mobility and the social, political, and cultural processes it entails.
In the contemporary world, the anthropological perspective is a critical study aiming at understanding cultural diversity and similarities, processes building inequalities, differences, social hierarchies, new forms of action and resistance. The course aims to provide a) knowledge of anthropological perspectives and their main concepts and b) to develop an ability to understand currents of thought in their historical and social dimensions. In applying such knowledge, theories, and concepts, students will be able to c) develop a reflexive, autonomous, and critical gaze on the main topics of contemporary (migrations, violence, vulnerability, intersectional perspective on oppression). The ethnographic method and ethnographic examples will encourage a participatory approach to understand the ‘otherness’, becoming a helpful means to develop a comparative and non-ethnocentric perspective, together with micro-macro levels of analysis.

Testi Adottati

Palumbo Berardino, Pizza Giovanni, Schirripa Pino (2023). Antropologia culturale e sociale. Concetti, storia, prospettive. Hoepli.
Parte Prima. L’antropologia e i suoi campi (pp. 1-38).
Parte Seconda. Panoramica storica degli studi di antropologia culturale e sociale (pp. 39-114).
Parte terza. Parole chiave per un’antropologia contemporanea: Corpo (pp. 134-149); Femminismo e antropologia (pp.165-177); Genere (pp. 178-188); Mobilità (pp. 256-270); Resistenze (pp. 271-285)

2) King Charles (2020). La riscoperta dell'umanità. Come un gruppo di antropologi ribelli reinventò le idee di razza, sesso e genere nel XX secolo. Einaudi.

3) Reference articles and suggested lecture notes (will be indicated and uploaded by the teacher)

Modalità Erogazione

Lectures will be supported by Power Point and audio-visual materials, as well as by the reading and analyzing ethnographic examples. These support-tools intend to encourage the active participation of the students, dialogues, and discussions on the course topics.

Modalità Frequenza

Attendance is not mandatory. However, participation in the lessons is recommended for a greater understanding of the disciplinary debate and the bibliography.

Modalità Valutazione

Oral interview. Through questions/answers it will be verify that: 1) the students have read the materials assigned 2) the students are able to interpret and reflect on concepts and perspectives illustrated; 3) the students have developed capacity of autonomous thought.