22910086 - Methods and techniques of writing in education

Cultivating writing, the taste for writing, going beyond the more formal aspects of language (grammatical, syntactic, etc.) - which, although useful, do not exhaust the experience of writing as a profoundly reflective and formative act - is an important goal to pursue for anyone professionally involved in the design and implementation of educational pathways (both in the school and social spheres). The idea that writing, and more specifically storytelling, develops reflective, communicative, creative and critical thinking skills has been consolidated in many quarters. In this course we therefore intend to propose a learning pathway geared towards the achievement of the following learning objectives:

· Acquiring the fundamental vocabulary of narratology

· Understand strategies for improving text comprehension

· Analyze narrative theatrical and cinematographic texts, also using specific software

· Being able to synthesise texts, especially narrative texts, but not only

· Being able to interpret texts of a narrative nature; being able to interpret the output data of textual analysis software

· Being able to create narrative texts, also using specific software

· Being able to use writing and storytelling as a method of intervention in different educational contexts

· Being able to use writing and storytelling to explore the educational needs of different target groups.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course offers the following learning contents:
- what and how to tell
- the parts of narration
- what you need to know to understand a narrative text
- narration and learning contexts
- storytelling and reflective thinking
- narration and pedagogical supervision
- narration as an intervention tool in different educational contexts
- analysis and interpretation of narratives: tools

Testi Adottati

- Paola Bastianoni, La narrazione come strumento formativo nella relazione educativa, Carocci, 2022
- Andrea Bernardelli, Che cos'è la narrazione, Carocci, 2019
- Materials and digital resources provided by the teacher

Modalità Erogazione

Synchronous and asynchronous lessons Workshop activities and online exercises through the interactive and sharing spaces of the institutional platforms (Teams and Sdeonline).

Modalità Frequenza

The course is delivered online on the platform: sdeonline.uniroma3.it In the dedicated space it will be possible to access: - asynchronous and synchronous lessons, - specially prepared handouts and teaching materials, both in text format and in video and slide format, - proposals for exercises on the topics of the program.

Modalità Valutazione

The evaluation will take into consideration the following criteria: - expository clarity - understanding of the conceptual structure of the course - ability to apply concepts to concrete educational situations.