22910024 - Lingua francese

Acquire/improve the ability to understand written and oral French texts related to Education issues, as well as the ability to read aloud, the knowledge of linguistic tools for the reworking of content and the proper production of simple written and oral French texts. Increased motivation and skills for cooperation, comparison and planning in French-speaking contexts.
With the study of French Language the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives.
In terms of knowledge and comprehension:
- to know the grammatical, phonetic and syntactic structures of the French language;
- to know the main educational contexts of the French language area.
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- use the French language for the understanding and production of texts;
- use the French language for the main communicative exchanges.
In terms of autonomy of judgement:
- be able to evaluate and use text materials in French independently;
- be able to select and manage interpersonal relationships in the field of education.
In terms of communication skills:
- understanding and production of written and oral texts in French;
- managing group and collaborative activities in French.
In terms of learning ability:
- Gain autonomy in self-learning of French-language vocabulary and content on educational issues;
- Improve the ability to select French language content on the basis of specific educational objectives.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course includes the study of the fundamental structures of the French language (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, syntax) applied to specific exercises and to the reading, re-elaboration, deepening, written and oral, of Charles Perrault's fairy tales.

Testi Adottati

Grammar part: Anne Ghestin e Patrick Henrard, Grammatica essenziale. Francese, De Agostini, 2018 ISBN

Text of reading and deepening: Charles Perrault, Contes, text, videos, link on SDEonline site.

Bibliografia Di Riferimento

Grammar part: Anne Ghestin e Patrick Henrard, Grammatica essenziale. Francese, De Agostini, 2018 ISBN 978-8851162672 Text of reading and deepening: Charles Perrault, Contes, texts, videos, link in SDE online site.

Modalità Erogazione

The course will be carried out online on the platform of SDE online. The contents will be provided in three teaching units; each unit will deal with language issues, according to a logical progression, and a part of the scheduled text. Each of the teaching units will offer slides, podcasts and videos useful for developing the topics and strengthening what has been learned in the form of self-learning and self-evaluation. The student can contact the Teacher and the tutor of reference for any doubt or for additional explanations. It will also be provided materials and links useful for studying and deepening the content, indication of exercises with explanations and corrections online, audio podcast for repeated listening to the complete reading of the text in the program.

Modalità Frequenza

The course must be followed regularly and according to the scheduled teaching time for SDE online. This is important in order to acquire a correct assimilation of the contents, to be able to usefully communicate with the tutor and the teacher, to be able to carry out with the right attention the exercises for learning the foreign language and the repeated listening of the audio podcasts.

Modalità Valutazione

The exam will be organized with multiple-choice questions and open-ended answers. The questions will concern written or audio comprehension of the text and knowledge of the language topics in the study plan. The open-ended answers will evaluate the understanding of the text, the ability to deepen (in this case the answers can be given, in some cases and if indicated, also in Italian) and the ability to rework some content in French. It is recommended to pay particular attention to the development of open-ended answers, because they allow the teacher a full evaluation of the student with greater flexibility than the automatic calculation of the score made by the computer system.