Specific objectives of the discipline are the definition, characterization, deepening of the meaning, characteristics and behaviors to refer to childhood diseases, with particular reference to the range 0-6.

At the end of the course the student has:
- the ability to read, analyse and understand the educational implications of pathological behaviour.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


Territorial intervention and primary prevention in children and adolescents. Developmental age, adolescence, sexual identity, subliminal messages and the Internet. Developmental age, adolescence and discomfort: emotions and the biological-aesthetic model. Aggression, psychic and ego functions, and defense mechanisms of the I.
The first approach to discomfort and maladjustment in developmental age and Adolescence.
Childhood depression. Child psychosis and pervasive developmental disorders. ADHD, Disorders of Personality.
Oppositional-provocative disorder and conduct disorder. Suicide in age evolutionary. The Mechanism at the Basis of Addiction. Consumer Discretionary Drugs. Trauma and Substance Consumption Risk. Childhood and adolescent substance abuse
Model of Emotional and Affective Education through the Theater, even at a distance. The Portuguese, Icelandic, Swiss experience, new drugs and identity-value models.
Language disorders. Specific learning disabilities. Mental delay. Epileptic syndromes. Infantile paralysis.
Biological, gender, role identity, sexual.
Parenting, shared and joint custody, separation, adoption. Child abuse: emotional, physical, psychic, sexual, treatment pathology.
Victimology and child psycho-traumatology. Minor offender and victim of crime.

Testi Adottati

Testi adottati:
- VILLANOVA M: “Orientamenti clinico-forensi-criminologici ed educativo-pedagogici di Neuropsichiatria dell’età evolutiva per le Professioni dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza” Ed. La Sapienza , 2010
- VILLANOVA M. "Approccio educativo alle sostanze per uso voluttuario" Ed. La Sapienza 2021
- VILLANOVA M: ”Il Modello medico-pedagogico nell'evoluzione biologica della famiglia ed il Potenziatore genitoriale” Ed. La Sapienza, 2019

Bibliografia Di Riferimento


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