22910169 - Children's literature

With the course of Children’s literature, students will be able to achieve the following educational goals:
In terms of knowledge and understanding:
- knowledge in the field of children's literature, with particular attention to the historical development of this discipline and the aspects of research and the interpretative criticism of literary text for children
- knowledge of the prospects and theoretical models of children’s literature
- knowledge of the main models of didactic design and evaluation methods of the child-narrative-book relationship.
- knowledge of IT tools and technologies for innovation-based teaching, in particular relating to the use of paper and digital texts
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- ability to create an authentic educational relationship aimed at emotional-emotional, socio-cultural and cognitive maturation gained through a conscious use of pre-reading and reading;
- ability to design and realize training paths that use narrative and book with a variety of methodologies and organizational solutions appropriate to child development and learning progression;
In terms of autonomy of judgment:
- Attitudes to problematize situations and educational events, to analyze them deeply and to elaborate them in a reflective way, putting children in the condition of always elaborating a personal reading perspective;
- Aptitude to consider alternative solutions to problems and to make decisions that respond to the children’s training needs, stimulating them, for example, from switching from verbal to graphic language when approaching narratives;
- Aptitude to renew didactic practices through openness to research, experimentation and innovation through the use of appropriately selected editorial products.
In terms of communicative abilities:
- ability to expose in an organized manner the objectives and the nature of the educational activity through educational planning, with particular reference to the use of illustrated stories;
- the ability to entertain positive relationships with families, showing openness and genuine interest in dialogue and adopting the humanistic-affective log of communication, with particular reference to families of different culture or religion;
- the ability to use digital communication tools in educational contexts.
In terms of learning ability:
- Aptitude to always extend their knowledge of editorial novelties in the field of literature for children.


scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course aims to analyse the concept of children's literature, a discipline whose historical evolution will be explored in depth, focusing on its classical characteristics as well as those of its closest social and cultural context. The lessons will also aim to shed light on the many stereotypes and misconceptions about this literature, generally seen as simple or merely entertaining, whereas it contains, at its best, high levels of formal and content complexity. Lessons will also be devoted to the identification of methodological and didactic strategies useful to train children in the pleasure of reading and to stimulate in them the necessary motivational processes towards storytelling. Some of these strategies will be specifically focused on the 0-3 age group, with particular attention to the relationship between early childhood and reading. Reading aloud, animated reading, the construction of the reading environment, the physical relationship with the book-object, reading images, the places where reading is promoted, reading times, the creative relationship between narration, reading and writing, the image of childhood represented in books and picture books, the responsibility of the adult in the quality literary proposal: these are just some of the major issues that cross and determine the complex and delicate relationship of the child with the literary text and that need to be addressed with care and pedagogical professionalism with the aim of developing, from early childhood, the pleasure of reading.

Testi Adottati

S. Barsotti, L. Cantatore (a cura di), Letteratura per l’infanzia. Forme, temi e simboli del contemporaneo, Roma, Carocci, 2019.

C. Lepri, Aedi per l‘infanzia. Poeti e illustratori di oggi, Pisa, Pacini, 2015.

L. Paladin, R. Valentino Merletti, Nati sotto il segno dei libri. Il bambino lettore nei primi mille giorni di vita, Campi Bisenzio (FI), Idest, 2015.

Ai testi di studio in programma, studentesse e studenti devono aggiungere almeno 1 classico a scelta, 1 romanzo di oggi a scelta, 2 albi illustrati a scelta, 1 albo di poesia a scelta tra i seguenti.


Collodi Carlo, Le avventure di Pinocchio, introduzione e commento critico di Fernando Tempesti, Feltrinelli, Milano 2004.
Carroll Lewis, Alice nel paese delle meraviglie (Einaudi Ragazzi, Mondadori, Garzanti).
De Amicis Edmondo, Cuore (Einaudi, De Agostini, Fabbri, Mondadori).
Lindgren Astrid, Pippi Calzelunghe (Salani).
Rodari Gianni, Le favole al telefono (Einaudi Ragazzi).
Vamba (Luigi Bertelli), Il giornalino di Giamburrasca (Giunti).


DAHL Roald, Il GGG (Salani) o altro romanzo di Roald Dahl
PITZORNO Bianca, Ascolta il mio cuore (Mondadori) o altro romanzo di Bianca Pitzorno
PIUMINI Roberto, Mattia e il nonno (Einaudi) o altro romanzo di Roberto Piumini
QUARZO Guido, Clara va al mare (Salani)


Alemagna Beatrice, Buon viaggio, piccolino! (Topipittori)
Carle Eric, Il piccolo bruco Maisazio (Mondadori)
Corentin Philippe, L’orco, il lupo, la bambina e il bignè (Babalibri)
D’Allancé Mireille, Che rabbia! (Babalibri)
Junge Norman, Jandl Ernst, Sono il quinto (Babalibri)
Koch Miriam, Bice speciale (Donzelli)
Lionni Leo, Federico (Babalibri)
Lionni Leo, Piccolo blu e piccolo giallo (Babalibri)
Mari Iela, L’albero (Babalibri)
Munari Bruno, I Prelibri (Corraini)
Rathmann Peggy, Buonanotte gorilla! (Lupoguido)
Rueda Claudia, No (Lapis)
Sendak Maurice, Nel paese dei mostri selvaggi (Adelphi)
Tognolini Bruno, Sanna Alessandro, Fresu Paolo, Peana Sonia, Nidi di note (Gallucci)
Ungerer Tomi, Crictor (Lupoguido)
Valdivia Paloma, Noi due (Fatatrac)
Waddel Martin, Benson Patrick, I tre piccoli gufi (Mondadori)


AA.VV., Gocce di voce (Fatatrac)
Abbatiello Antonella, Tognolini Bruno, Tiritere (Panini)
Carioli Janna, Un nido di filastrocche (Sinnos)
Carminati Chiara, Tappari Massimiliano, A fior di pelle (Lapis)
Giarratana Sanrina, Possentini Sonia Maria Luce, Canti dell’attesa (Il Leone Verde)
Orengo Nico, Canzonette (Einaudi Ragazzi)
Piumini Roberto, Io mi ricordo. Quieto Patato (NER)
Rodari Gianni, Filastrocche in cielo e in terra (Einaudi Ragazzi)
Scialoja Toti, Tre per un topo (Quodlibet)
Tessaro Jack, Ninnananna (Lapis)
Tognolini Bruno, Mal di pancia calabrone (Salani)
Tognolini Bruno, Rime piccoline (Nord-Sud edizioni)
Tognolini Bruno, Valentinis Pia, Mammalingua (Il Castoro)
Vecchini Silvia, Marcolin Marina, Poesie della notte, del giorno, di ogni cosa intorno (Topipittori)
White Dianne, Krommes Beth, Ciao Cielo (Il Castoro)

N.B.: Le edizioni sono solo indicative; per quanto riguarda i classici basta assicurarsi che si tratti di una buona edizione che contenga la versione integrale.

Modalità Erogazione

Lectures, readings, textual analysis, in-depth seminars, workshops.

Modalità Frequenza

Class attendance is optional, but highly recommended.

Modalità Valutazione

The exam will be in written form. The written exam consists of a test with closed and open answers about the books in the syllabus. The final evaluation will take into account: 1. Argumentative capacity and adherence to the proposed questions; 2. Ability to express oneself correctly in writing on a morphological-syntactic level and to use the disciplinary language; 3. Ability to synthesise and critically elaborate. The examination procedures are the same for both attending and non-attending students. A final mark in thirtieths will be awarded at the end of the final examination. Honours will be awarded in the event of excellence.

scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course in Children's Literature is dedicated to future nuesery educators and children's services, in order to provide them with hermeneutical, didactic, historiographic, linguistic, playful and iconographic tools which will help them to approach the reading of books destined for children with the necessary pedagogical awareness.
The aim of the course is to provide the historical, theoretical, conceptual and methodological foundations of children's literature.
The course aims to analyse the concept of children's literature, a discipline whose historical development will be explored in depth, focusing on both its classic and contemporary characteristics. The lessons will also seek to shed light on the many stereotypes and misconceptions about this literature, generally seen as simple or serene entertainment, whereas it contains, at its best, high levels of complexity. Lessons will also be devoted to identifying strategies and methods to educate children to read and to stimulate the necessary motivational processes in them. Some of the lessons will be specifically focused on the 0-3 years old, with particular attention to the relationship between early childhood and reading. Reading aloud, animated reading, the constraints of the reading environment, the physical relationship with the book-object, reading images, places where reading is promoted, the creative relationship between narration, reading and writing: these are just some of the major themes that cross and determine the complex relationship of children with literary texts and that need to be addressed with care and pedagogical professionalism in order to counter the serious problem of young people moving away from reading practices and the use of literary texts. These theoretical aspects of reading education will be accompanied by practical demonstrations of how a book can be read to/with children, with the active participation of the students.

Testi Adottati

Examination books:
• Acone L., Barsotti S., Grandi W., "Da genti e paesi lontani. La fiaba nel tempo tra canone, metamorfosi e risonanze", Marcianum Press - Edizioni Studium,
Venezia, 2023.
• Barsotti S., Cantatore L. (a cura di), "Letteratura per l’infanzia: forme, temi e simboli del contemporaneo", Carocci, Roma, 2019.
• Paladin L., Valentino Merletti R., "Libro fammi grande. Leggere nell'infanzia", Idest, Campi Bisenzio (FI), 2012.

They are also part of the course and of the examination a number of readings of your choice (a classic, a contemporary novel, two picture books). The reading list will be announced and published on Formonline within the first two weeks of the start of the course.

Modalità Erogazione

Lectures in presence. In the event of an extension of the COVID-19 health emergency, all provisions regulating the way in which students are assessed will be implemented. In particular, the following arrangements will apply: oral examination in remote mode, on the Teams platform.

Modalità Frequenza

Class attendance is optional, but highly recommended.

Modalità Valutazione

Written test (90'). The evaluation of the students consists of three open-ended questions. The exam verifies the descriptive and critical analysis of the theoretical, methodological and applied issues of literature for children. The students must show a proper language and clear and logical presentation, which should be complete but synthetic. The exam is expressed in thirtieths. In order to pass the exam that is with a minimum score of 18/30 the student must show a sufficient knowledge of all the addressed topics, with a proper use of the language. In order to achieve the maximum score of 30/30 cum laude, the student must show an excellent knowledge of all the dealt topics, characterized by a critical and coherent elaboration of the proposed topics.