22901962 - SOCIAL MEDICINE (L39)

The aim of the course is to provide knowledge and skills that allow the student to know how to orientate himself in the panorama of issues concerning hygiene and social medicine, with regard to health, epidemiological and social impact aspects. At the end of the course the student: - has become familiar with the basic concepts of hygiene and social medicine. - can critically orient itself between the different models of health systems, the fundamental means to prevent the main infectious and multifactorial diseases, the timing of prevention, elements of occupational safety, as well as the principles of health education and health promotion of single and community.

By the study of Social Medicine the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.

In terms of knowledge and understanding: the student will have acquired knowledge on knowledge of the basic concepts of hygiene and social medicine, such as health, epidemiological and natural history of infectious diseases, with application focus on the main broad diseases social impact. The course will be articulated in a precise path that will start from the definition of health and will end with interventions to promote it and to prevent the onset of pathology.

In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: The student at the end of the course will have acquired the knowledge to know how to move and orientate in the evolution and the current state of health legislation and to have learned the fundamental means to prevent the main infectious and multifactorial diseases, such as the timing of prevention, elements of occupational safety, and the principles of health education and the promotion of the health of the individual and of the community.

In terms of independent judgment: - develop the capacity for critical analysis of the evolution and transformation of health models, especially regarding the transition to the current state of health legislation and having learned the fundamental means to prevent the main infectious and multifactorial diseases, such as the timing of prevention, elements of occupational safety, and to know and practice the principles of health education and the promotion of the health of the individual and of the community.

In terms of communication skills: - being able to communicate the acquired knowledge, in terms of ideas, problems, themes and possible solutions, related to the strategies of health promotion suitable to today's socio-epidemiological fabric and to support the ability to know how to manage the multiplicity of experiential and communicative challenges, above all in the mother-child area.

In terms of learning ability: - develop the learning skills that are necessary for them to undertake subsequent studies, related to many of the sociological, pedagogical and psychological disciplines that also deal with health education and community issues, with a high degree of autonomy.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


Basic concepts of social medicine and its relations with other medical and social disciplines. Definition of hygiene, health, determinants of health and disease, lifestyles, empowerment, health inequalities. Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention and health promotion.
Epidemiology: meaning, objectives and methods. Types of epidemiological studies and their role in the prevention and management of infectious diseases. Epidemiology of infectious diseases: sources of infections, modes of transmission of infections and environmental and individual conditions favoring their spread.
Health protection and risk factors. Genetic factors. Chemical, physical and biological factors. Main types of microorganisms and their biological characteristics. Microorganisms - host - environment relationship, concepts of infection and disease, the body's defense systems against disease.
The prevention and control of infectious diseases: concepts of natural and acquired, active and passive immunity. Vaccines: main types of vaccines and vaccination schedule in childhood. Immunoglobulins, passive and post-exposure immunoprophylaxis. Definitions of notification, isolation, disinfection, sterilization, disinfestation. Infectious risk prevention and control measures in child communities: the behavior of the educator (universal and specific standard precautions), child hygiene, hygiene of the objects used by the child, hygiene of the environments, criteria of expulsion and readmission in child communities.
Main infectious diseases of interest in childhood: prevalently airborne (measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis, chicken pox, meningitis), with main fecal-oral transmission (acute gastroenteritis, salmonellosis), transmissible by direct contact (conjunctivitis). Notes on infectious diseases with main parenteral transmission (Hepatitis B and AIDS). Notes on parasites of pediatric interest.
Non-infectious diseases of interest in childhood: diabetes, dental caries, food allergies and intolerances, childhood obesity. Multifactorial model of disease.
Other health risks: SIDS. Secondhand smoke. Domestic accidents: notions of first aid, reference health structures.
Nutrition hygiene: the main nutrients and food groups, indications for proper nutrition. Nursery feeding: natural and artificial breastfeeding, complementary feeding, feeding from 1 to 3 years, special diets. Food safety, conservation and control methods. Food poisoning
Specific Learning Disorders (SLD): main SLDs, their identification and available tools.
Occupational health and safety (legislative decree 81/2008 and subsequent amendments): basic concepts, reference figures and structures, main prevention measures and tools for risk assessment and control.

Testi Adottati

Reference texts
- Romano Spica V, Brandi G. Igiene, Educazione alla Salute e Sanità Pubblica. Quaderni Sanitari, Volume 5. Antonio Delfino Editore, Rome 2014.
- Didactic material provided by the teacher to deepen specific topics

Pamphlets and websites:

Bibliografia Di Riferimento


Modalità Erogazione

frontal teaching

Modalità Valutazione

oral test